
Hi All,

I’m new to this site and no techie so wondered if you could help.

I run Avast 7 antivirus, and also Rapport. I have Windows 7 HP Pavillion Laptop. The last scan I did with Avast reported this:

File Name: Process 952 [rapportmgmt.exe]

Severity: High

Threat: Win32:MalOb-JN[Cryp]

What’s weird is that I have only set any action on finding a virus to ‘move to chest’, but when I closed the report and checked the chest, the virus (if it is a virus) isn’t there. I definitely didn’t delete it.

I’m worried that Rapport will not work now. I know I can exclude the rapport programme from scans, but should I do this?

Also, is it wise to set the Virus, PUP and Suspicious settings on my scan to ‘move to chest’? Also I have pop ups enabled, but I don’t seem to be getting any notifications that I may have a virus; is it possible I have the settings wrong on this too?

Sorry for all the questions, but I’ve just recovered the laptop from a nasty attack, and I really want to get Avast working properly now. Remember that any replies should be aimed at the level of ‘computer for dummies’.
