Does anyone have a fix to this virus? I’ve been working on it for almost a week and can find no help.
About Avast antivirus, I downloaded the free version last night. It seems to be downloading but upon return to the PC it is at that same screen with no movement. Searched the PC and couldn’t find anything called Avast. When it finishes, isn’t there a message confirming such?
I feel the key in these things is not to be infected in the first place, for a phishing attack to succeed you have to click on a link, usually in an unsolicited email.
The google search Tech gave for RB-1221 returms many hits was there noting in that ?
What was it that detected RB-1221 ?
and where was it found ?
What have you been trying for a week ?
If you haven’t already got this software (freeware), download, install, update and run it, preferably in safe mode.