Re: It was suggested that I start a new topic so........(Resolved)

I decided to update today ran the installer, then when I had to reboot my new windows 8.1 wouldn’t work. It showed an error saying your computer has encountered a problem, then it scanned pc performance, then it automatically rebooted and still got the same error, then it showed trying to repair computer but nothing worked so thanks to Avast I can no longer use my not even 3 month old computer. My neighbor came here and set up my windows 7 computer so I’m not about to try to do an update on this one.

The above is my post from yesterday.

My window’s 8.1 computer is still messed up and even my neighbor who works on computers everyday hasn’t been able to repair it.

Since Avast caused it to become unusable will the company pay for the repairs or pay for another window’s 8.1 computer which cost me a little under $1500.00.

I’m sure they won’t do either but can’t hurt to ask. Window’s 7 runs a lot slower than 8.1 Needless to say I’m very unhappy about this problem that should have never happened.

Have you tried uninstalling avast and perform a clean install? Have you tried booting into Safe Mode?

What about restoring from an image? You do have system images and file backups, right?

Did your computer come with recovery disks? If not, did you burn any recovery CD’s prior to this?

Have you tried the refresh option ?

Yes, tried that several times but it didn’t help. Couldn’t even get to the login screen.


My computer did come with a recovery disk but when I tried to run it I kept getting error messages.

Try restarting while holding down the “Shift” key on your keyboard. That might get you to the Recovery page.

Ctrl and tapping F8 are supposed to get you SafeMode , BUT, Win8 boots so fast it spends a nano second looking for the F8 command and it is extremely hard to make it work.

If I had it hooked up I would try that but right now it’s sitting on the floor and I don’t know how to hook it up. The tower is a lot smaller than my Windows 7 is and the power cord and the things that have to be hooked up to the USB are not the same as Windows 7. Years ago when I bought a new computer I could hook it up in 10 minutes with no problem.

Check your PM for a link to the windows 8 recovery console

  1. Rufus download this to your desktop
  2. Download the windows 8 recovery console

Insert the USB stick Then run Rufus

Select the ISO file on the desktop via the ISO icon.

Press Start Burn

When you reboot you will see this.

Select the language on this screen and keyboard on the next

Select the Trouble shoot option

Select Refresh option

Follow the on screen instructions

Thank you essexboy…I’ll have to wait until my neighbor has some free time to hook up my computer before I can do anything.

Not a problem, but I do not see how Avast caused that as I am running 8.1 with no problems… Mayhap you will let me take a look when you are back up and running

Uh…did you remove the a/v which came with your computer?
If you did, did you use the vendors uninstaller?

Yes, I removed McAfee when my neighbor hooked it up. I did use the vendors uninstaller.

I just talked to my neighbor and he told me he would have to set it back to the factory settings but I have so many pictures saved on that computer and I don’t want to lose them. Guess I’ll just have to keep using Windows 7 so I won’t lose my pictures.

If you work with one person only , like EssexBoy, you will be more likely to get everything back.

you have a hotmail account … use free SkyDrive (new name OneDrive) to storage your pictures
then they are saved online whatever happens to your comp…and you can access them from any computer, just logg in. same logg in as you use for your hotmail account

Alternative: droppbox

Refresh will not touch the pictures they will still be there

My neighbor said he isn’t feeling well today so he won’t be able to hook it up for me and I don’t know how to do it. Guess I’ll just have to wait until he’s feeling better. :frowning:

Think I might try to hook it up myself. Just the power cord, mouse and keyboard and once it’s turned on will see if I still get the error messages and if so will try to refresh it. If by some miracle I’m able to login I’ll plug in all of the USB devices.

I was able to get it turned on but the monitor wouldn’t work. I wasn’t sure which cord went to the monitor so I hooked my windows 7 back up.

I got a PM on Facebook from my neighbor and he wanted me to take my new one to his house so he could try to repair it but I’m going to take it there. I don’t want him to set it back to the factory settings.

That would be a good idea but for one thing … -midnight cannot log in to her PC … it will not boot.

That would be a good idea but for one thing .............. -midnight cannot log in to her PC ............ it will not boot.
yes....the trick is to backup before s**** happens ;)

Yes, I should have done a backup but since my computer isn’t 2 months old yet I didn’t even think about it messing up so soon. It’s till under a warranty so I might send it back to Dell and have it repaired.