I’m having an issue with re-registering Avast Home… My reg key is about to end (may the 1st), and I can’t find where to re-register my copy of Avast. ??? Following the link given by Avast window doesn’t bring me anywhere: connection fails… My internet connection is fine, i’m using Firefox 2.0 under WinXP SP2 if it helps.
I just checked the link from the about avast and that is really strange to, and ends up at the avast home page and not registration, perhaps the redirects may be causing the timeouts for Manubx.
yes David, I was thinking the same…
Anyway, the adress did the trick, I’ve been able to reach the website and re-register my copy.
Thanks a million times for your fast and helpful support.
Generally, when you could access a site by the IP number and not by its name, the problem is on your Client DNS Service (Domain Name Server). Isn’t it set to automatically start? (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
As Tech says this could indicate a problem with your DNS, that was one of the reasons I threw in the IP address link, another reason is the windows hosts file could be blocking avast.com. So it might be worth while checking that out. C:\Windows\HOSTS this is a file (don’t confuse with a folder) that has no file extension.
It can be opened and edited with a text editor like notepad, once opened check there are no entries for avast.com with in the line, if so report your findings. Some malware does this to divert your attempts to get to an antivirus site to your computer, this way you can’t get to AV sites to have your system scanned, updated, etc. to remove malware.
It may be nothing just sluggish connections by you ISP, but it is worth checking out.
My DNS server is set to automatically start (and is indeed started), and my HOSTS file is clean (only line is localhost). As far as i can tell, Avast’s site is the only one I’m having issues with today… Odd…