RE Threatfire and Avast

I just used the Threatfire “Full Scan” and received notification of the “Virus” = Trojan.PWS.IcqSmiley.A =

It showed was located in the Zipped file “Free Mail Password ID” as downloaded to my drive “C:/ My Program” folder

The Program as downloaded was from

After using the “Threartfire” I did not Quarantine or removed same from computer [In other words all was available]

Using Avast Home 4.8 [with all latest updates installed] I did a “Through Scan” for viruses and Avast came back all clean"?

Your comments please

submit the file to virustotal
you can also google it
you could schedule an Avast boot time scan rt click on the ball to schedule
do you have any other anti-spyware scanners available you could try?
Malware Bytes anti malware
Spybot search and destroy
if google references looks suspicious or virustotal comes back positive quarantine- do not delete
post back here

You didn’t say if in that thorough scan you selected the scan Archives, if not it wouldn’t have been scanned as they are inert.

Archive (zip, rar, etc.) files are by their nature are inert, you need to extract the files and then you have to run them to be a threat. Long before that happens avast’s Standard Shield should have scanned them and before an executable is run that is scanned.

You can try a right click explorer context menu (ashQuick.exe) scan which is the most thorough scan it will scan everything selected and use all unpackers for archives and see if it is detected.

Off the link that you gave is this:

[b]Known Problems[/b] False Alert Problems: Some Antivirus programs detect Mail PassView utility as infected with Trojan/Virus.

So it may be that avast is treating it correctly whilst Threatfire isn’t ???