Re: updated license does not work????? ADNM

I am having a server license and 25 Work stations. And I am using ANMD. (Avast Pro 4). I renewed the license and installed it. Since the old license expired last week I get warning messages that my license has expired, but the new license is show in the license.DAT file. Whats going on? I put in an emergency support ticket on Friday but no answer so far?
If you try to update the sever programme it tells you the license has expired despite the fact that the new license is in their??? Help please

Did you install Pro 4 again? In which case should have gone through to keep you protected in interim.

Or did you install avast 5 (avast! Pro)
In which case there have been some changes with licensing procedure.

There have been some holdups at Alwil Support because of the new release, but they are monitoring the forum.
So keep a check on yr thread and someone should be along shortly.

I did not install it new. I just inserted the new license.DAT which the instruction says. To install it all new is a middle of the night job because of the tills and other work station which are in use till midnight.

okay Grand I think I’ve got it here. I know you’ll be busy but same at Alwil Software

this is from from Vlk as relates to Pro as far as I know - I wont bother to put in quotes –

in January, avast upgraded to version 5 which uses a new licensing model.
You will need a new license file to use with v5.

In order to get it, please follow these 3 easy steps:

  1. open your existing license file in Notepad
  2. go to, fill in the email address you used for purchase, the avast license key which you can find in the license file you opened in step 1, and the verification code
  3. hit the “Resend license” button.

In a few moments, you should receive a new license file (called license.avastlic) which you can simply insert to avast v5 (e.g. by double-clicking the file, if avast 5 is already installed on that machine).

Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience.

This doesnt work Grand - send an email to Vlk at and include a pointer to this thread.

Edit - if this what you mean by new (avast 5), then follow procedure with email, but yr Pro 4 should have worked okay from what I can tell.

I hope that works Grand.

just over install Pro but you have to use new licencing procedure.

I can not update to Pro 5 because the as far as I understood the ADNM does not work with PRo 5?!
I still have Pro 4!

okay then the new licensing procedure - does that apply to you?

please add ADNM to the title of yr thread. This will help attract members who run ADNM.

Yes, version 5 is unavailable for businesses until this summer apparently.

As for your problem, it looks like your new license is ok, but the old one is still loaded.

I would move the license file out of the Avast Data directory into a safe place.

Restart the avast management server service, and it should / may fail.

Open up the AMS maintenance tool, and load the new license file. Check the box to copy the file into the avast directory. It should ask to restart the service again.

Once that’s all done, I hope that will reset your license and remove the old entries.

I am not able to delete the .DAT file. Copied it to a save folder. But the server does not let me delete the .DAT. It just drives me nuts.
If I open the new license file in notepad it contains actually the old and the new license. :-X
Would installing the server edition help?

stop all the avast services in your services console
then try it
if that doesnt work, boot into save mode

Deleted .DAT. No joy. I wonder if the license.DAT is corrupt? How can I get it resend? On the web it is only for avast 5!

Or do I have to clear the whole server, uninstall all avast and start from fresh? Just discovered that my management tools are not up to date.?! But it does not let me update it, says netClient license is out of date.
Why does this happend ? I really thought a lot of Avast but I am getting really frustrated now.

I don’t think you’ll have remove and reinstall the entire thing to get this resolved.

If you believe that your license file is corrupt, or otherwise, you should contact for information on getting a replacement license.

As for your management tools being out of date, I’ve had that happen too. Once you figure out how to update it, (when you can anyway), it’s pretty simple.

You have to act like you’re going to remove the program from Add/Remove Programs, then click the update button (I’m sure you figured that out by now though).

So where are we now? You deleted the original dat file from within the Avast data folder (while your services were off I presume), and then you used the AMS tool to load your new dat file, right?

If you did that, restarted your avast services, and you still have the old license information included in your dat file, then I’ll have to agree that they gave you a messed up license. It should only include the new values, not the old ones.

Give an email and see what they say. They should be able to provide you with a new dat file.

Send an email to sales last night. I wonder how many days/ weeks they take to reply. In the meantime I just hope we do not get any nasty viruses… :-\

Hi Grand, good luck getting yr network running at optimum again.

I see this all the time that people leave things for the last minute.
When I say in a different thread that this kind of response delay is state of the software industry worldwide, it is because I have experience as such. You really have to plan ahead. I have a provider in the US (half world away) that do a few things for me - when it comes to activation issues, license, etc…they start sending out notifications from 6 months before due date, then once month until last month, then every week, then every day of last week. because they know they cannot deal with issues immediately. And any time I need to contact it is machine handshaking my issue for three or four times until i get ticket and I am able to ring them up. I mean first response is always be sent a FAQ.

I dont mean to stir you up, but you cannot take yr network to web without protections.

Well I got the new license in January and put it in right away. This all came apparent when the old license expired. How I was to know that the license.dat file is not right!?

Oh you weren’t to blame, I imagine you have 1001 things to do

I didn’t mean like that

  • I just meant that always difficulties with instant response in software industry

scythe944 is very good with ADMN but hard when he cannot be there with you