READ: Boot scan vs. Normal scan |

For years, I’ve only run the “normal” scan on all of my PCs. Since I have good computing habits, Avast never shows evidence of any malware.

Recently, I ran a boot scan on my laptops. I was shocked when both reported malware.
One PC had a Java exploit.
The other PC had a Trojan!
How long have these items been lurking on my machines?

WHY WHY WHY!!! would the normal scans NOT detect these items?

How many millions of people use Avast like me and NEVER do boot scans?

What a serious cluster F.uck!

WHY WHY WHY!!! would the normal scans NOT detect these items?
depends where they are located.... and quick scan should cover all areas where activly running malware are
The boot-time scanner is an expert feature, and was designed to be used when there’s something bad going on on the system.

Probably PUP’s or inactive old JS that are now considered malware