ReadNotify, aVast and Trusted URL

Who can help me with the following problem I encoutner with aVast and the plugin tool of for certifying and tracking my email.

I know you can use the permitted URL option to give URL crearance.
But the problem with read notify is the following:

the URL used is formatted in the following way

is a new ID per messeage.
so everytime aVast discovers a new URL that has to be trusted.

I also tried to solve the problem with

who can help me to slove theis problem.

Thanking you in advance
Kind regards,
Ben WIlmink
Kind regard.

I’m almost sure that the URL has some special characters that are avoiding the mask.
Maybe you should post it completely for analysis or, if you want, send an IM to one from Alwil team support :slight_smile:
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