Real time shields won't turn on

I’ve noticed that my real time shields won’t turn on - I press Resolve All and Turn On but nothing happens. Can someone help me out with this issue?

Also, my PC’s hardrive broke a few weeks ago while i was running an Avast Premier trial. Is there a way I can get another trial?

Hi Avery L… Welcome to the forums

Repair Avast:

Start > Control Panel > Programs > Programs & Features > uninstall a program > select avast! and click " Uninstall/Change ". Choose " Repair " and Continue. Reboot when finished.

I did that, it didn’t work. I’ll try it again and post here with the results.

Which Windows; Spk and bit ?
Which Avast; Free, IS, Premier and what version ?
Any other security program active ?

Download avastclear.exe to your desktop.

Download your Avast to your desktop:

Run avastclear. It will ask you to run it in Safe Mode. Agreed to it. Follow instructions. It will remove Avast from your system. After avastclear has run its course, reinstall Avast. Don’t forget to reboot your system after Avast finnishes the install.

I’ve done both of these. I’ve used avastclear.exe, and i’ve done a simple uninstall. Neither of these have worked.

I’d love for this issue to be resolved. Any other solutions?

Could you run [b]Farbar Recovery Scan Tool /b from this topic and attach both logs ?

I’ll will have someone to take a look at them. Thanks.

I’ve done what you said, didn’t bother with doing anything else shown on the thread since you just said to download FRST.

Just to recap exactly what i did,
I went to the thread, downloaded FRST, didn’t do anything except press Scan, and saved the two files.

Also, bear in mind that i recently got my PC fixed, had to replace the hardrive. I may have to get it fixed again as the new hardrive has been making noises, and the other day i saw a blue screen (with writing). I’m planning on buying a new PC in the near future as this one is very old (2011 i believe, Dell Inspiron 1545).

Hi could you uninstall MBAM for the moment. And after the reboot see if Avast works

Tried it just then, didn’t work. I uninstalled both MBAM and Avast, did a reboot, still doesn’t work. :frowning:

I can see no reason why Avast is not starting …

Download Windows All In One Repair from to your desktop
Install the programme

Reboot to safe mode with networking
Run Windows All In One
Select Step 2
Select open Pre-repairs scan then click scan
Let that complete
Save the results to a text file on your desktop

Next select Step 5 and back up the registry

Open the Repairs tab

Select the following repair numbers :

26 and 27

Set the system to reboot on completion
The press Start Repairs

Alright, I’ll do what you said and post here with the results once i’m done.

Also, Avast is starting normally, but the shields won’t turn on. The icon on the bottom right is showing a yellow exclamation mark. Avast says “Attention: Some of your real time shields are turned off”. I press Resolve All, and Turn On, neither buttons do anything at all.