Real Time Shields

I have the avast pro anti virus running on Windows 8 Pro 32 bit that I just upgraded to a couple days ago and before the upgrade everything worked fine and now even with the update 7.0.1473 the Network shield in the real time shields will not turn on at all, any suggestions? Thanks

have you tried avast repair and reboot?

contol panel > ad / remove programs > avast > uninstall > repair option > wait a couple of minutes and reboot

any change ?

I have the avast pro anti virus running on win8 32
is this a brand new computer? did it have a preinstalled trail version antivirus installed?

No not a new computer I’ve had only avast pro on it for almost a year and just upgraded the OS, I just did the repair/reboot and didn’t fix it

then try a clean install

run from safe mode
…remove avast with this, run it for all versions you have had then reboot

install avast again…reboot

any change ?

Ok uninstalled with that program in safe mode, downloaded it again and installed it and same thing, no Network Shield and it will not turn on… >:(

And what else is funny is on my account page at avast it does not show anything about my device and system or license type and it did … something isn’t right…

I am running Windows 8 Pro also

Ok I take it you don’t have a solution then…