So it has come to my attention that the cure to things some folks dont want posted is to ask why they are ‘bashing’. Let me explain things a little for such folk:
I am a DEDICATED fan of Sony audio/video products. Im talking huge fan! I brag about my Sony products to most I encounter. However, last year my TV went down due to a bad update. I started with the normal lines of support, and very polite as well. Yet it seemed when agents would find out certain things like it costing me to money just to call (per-minute basis) or that I had to hang up becuase the last opertaor would put me on eternal hold or various other things; things would just keep going downhill. Through research I found out I wasnt the only one either (just like on these forums).
I had a great many, not so pleasant things to say about problems that needed addressed. Did this mean I hated Sony or wanted to cause them ANY ill will? Of course not! It simply meant I was tired of asking for things to be addressed that needed it. I was tired of being accused of trying to cause disidence simply trying to get a problem fixed or given proper attention to. Kinda like when people are given a speeling lesson even though we know what they mean…
Long story short, my problem WAS addressed and even a look into why things were made so impossible with there normal channels. Im still a dedicated user to said product, more so now that things ignored/blown off got addressed. I guess my problem is that when I purchase ANYTHING; I view myself the same as an investor who buys stock. Only difference is my stock is in physical product (which drives a company more than stock TBH). So maybe, Im not trying to bash a product Iv been using, and counting on for years. Maybe I realise that sometimes companies can get a little off course from where they meant to go because off third party payments, fullfillment (this is a direct hint at the previous phone-in support option used here), or personal beleifs. We all make poor decisions, but that doesnt mean we shouldnt constantly re-evaluate whats going on, or ignore something because we dont like the sound of it.
Really, Im not bashing anyone that isnt honestly trying to better things around the planet, and even here on these forums. However, sometimes one must not only use a big stick but speak loudly as well. Im still dedicated to Avast but as someone who is into security, and have been since before most of you ever knew the ‘http’ internet existed; Im not just going to allow a product Im vested into; pretty much since the whole suite has been out, go down because of lack of research into things like codecs or whatever. It doesnt mean Im going to ‘go with the flow’ when I know something like a completly user based rating system on what implies the ‘trustworthiness’ or ‘reputation’ of any web site is one of the worst mistakes a security company can make.
After all, Im vested into this product… why wouldnt I want these things (and other discrepancies) to be dealt with. Im not rich and cant just throw money at anything so you bet… Im gonna be dedicated to it getting right again. 8)
I invite both you and Bob to come by and see if I use, or have used in the past 6 years, anything but Avast. Okay for me to switch to something else and Ill be all over it.
Thanks for your insulting comments, they are enjoyed to the fullest as they point out EXACTLY my point. And sometimes Bob, things need to be said, and in away that everyone is not comfortable with. Iv extended an invitation and you are more than welcome to come by and prove me wrong in any of my statements. Other than that, have a great seven months… ;D
That wasn’t an insult. It was only meant to let you know that there are right ways and wrong ways to address any problem.
You’re remarks aren’t exactly complimentary especially since they aren’t substantiated.
They therefore leave you on a slippery slope. If you can prove what you report and prove it to the right people, not here on the forum,
then you might regain a steady footing.
Continue to enjoy life and not just for seven month.
Then again, my apologies for misunderstanding, but ‘get a life’ seem kinda insulting ya know.
As per my remarks, I would love to discuss things outside of this forum with you. It seems that doing it here, or online at all, leave to much room for interpratation. My comments are not without merit though, as I said come by, discuss things logically and directly before decideing they are just that. I have posts here where ‘Ubers’ (and not you… EVER, thank you for that) seem to want to stary the topic WAY off base. Im too irratated as it is to review them so go and look at all my comments and some of the things said versus answering/suggesting fixes. Maybe then you can understand why me, and some others I PM with feel this way.
This thread was to simply help those that have chosen insult (and some of my comments seem nothing but…), as my motive to understand sometimes things need to be addressed. And when they are not by normal means, then we must (if we have anything close to an integritous spirit) go to whatever means necessary or watch a great thing become as standard as the rest. Blame the Marine Corps for that attitude.
…and again, when your travels take you thru my state… PLEASE come by. I will admit my knowledge hasnt been brought into full standards and could always use refreshing, after all the TRUE lethal weapon is our mind. I would love to understand just what it is that Im doing wrong that leaves me in such results (as far as my Avast! is concerned, maybe its a Windows setting that keeps me so vunerable - see my latest post on my album art to see proof you so much desire). Id love to go back to nothing but praise for what was the most amazing, effecient AntiVir solution I had experienced.