really new here - registration question

Very new here, so hope I’m in the right forum and not missing something very basic.
I took my laptop to a shop to have them delete AVG and install Avast for me. When they did, they also registered it, using their data, instead of leaving it for me to register. I’m new to Avast, but if I understand correctly, I’ll need to re-register at the end of a year. I won’t have access to the information the shop gave Avast to register my account. What in the world can I do?

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Jann in AZ

The shop shouldn’t have done it in your place, unless they used your personal info.

Try to go to the SSL page version and register from there:

See the tutorial:

You don’t need the info supplied by the shop.
Welcome to avast forums.

OK, I sent filled in the registration info and am awaiting their reply. Haven’t been able to review the tutorial on my PC as I lack the proper plug-ins, but will try to do so from work.

Thanks for trying to help. I’ll post again when I have the key number.


Hi Jann…

You may already know this but the plug-in you referred to is Adobe (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player. You can obtain it here…

In case you cannot complete the download or it doesn’t work for whatever reason, you can download and install version 9 from a typical .exe installer here…

This should enable you to see the tutorial. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

no, I didn’t know that. Thought my PC had flash, but maybe it’s
outdated. I did view the tutorial at work and it’s very helpful.

I wonder if there are written instructions on this site somewhere?
I’m going to look around a little…

Thanks for all your help

Not that I’ve seen. :frowning:

Have you tried reinstalling or upgrading flash player?

Best Regards…

Aardvark, no, I’ve been ducking the issue. Last time I tried
to do something with Flash, the upgrade stalled midway through
and caused all kinds of problems. That was three computers ago
so there’s probably nothing to worry about, but being a computer-wuss
I’m not too keen on trying it again until I have to.

I am so grateful for your help getting me registered properly.



I can understand that. :slight_smile:

When you are able to give it a shot, try the link at soft32. It installs flash the typical installer method from a .exe file.

Give them a bit, they seem to be currently down for some reason. ???

Best Regards…


Hey Ardvark, you’ll never guess…
I was so pokey about entering my new licence key, I got another e-mail
reminding me to do so. With it came step-by-step instructions–all written out.

So I followed them, and I guess all is well, it said number accepted. So now, I assume
all I have to do is keep enjoying Avast until this time next year.

Again my thanks for you patience and help.



You’re most welcome, I’m glad we could help! :slight_smile:

Best Regards…