Hi. I’m using Avast Free v8.0.1489.3. (I got the version number from the main file’s Properties, because I couldn’t find it anywhere in the GUI—does anyone know where that’s shown?)
The only thing I find inconvenient about v.8 is the Software Updater. I maintain my apps myself and don’t need pop-ups reminding me about it. I keep turning off the Software Updater in Avast’s settings, but it keeps turning itself on again. Does anyone know how to stop that?
Every single piece of software that is resident in your system tray has a right click/about option. Right click on Avast “a” and click about. That will bring up your version number. Avast is doing you a favor and informing you that your current software is out of date. Software such as Java and Flash need to be kept up to date due to vulnerabilities found.
Your view on the software updater is incorrect.
It does not allow the manual adding of programs to check for updating.
When i had avast installed it showed just flashplayer and firefox.
I can update those myself no problem,But im afraid unless the user can manually add programs then it is essentially useless.
I’m afraid you are completely missing the point.
The software monitored by Software Updater is that most used by malware to get into the computers. The aim of Software Updater is to prevent that, especially for people who don’t know or don’t take care of their software (which is a lot of people). It’s not meant to substitute Secunia and check every existing piece of software everyone ever wrote.
I also don’t think it will ever be possible to add your own software - because there’s some code in the program dealing with the particular product, so unless you are also a programmer able to implement some necessary functions (when adding the custom program), it simply wouldn’t work.