Reboot Nagging

Every time I have to update Avast, at the end a prompt comes up with options to postpone it for different amounts of time. I personally want to restart my computer when I want to, so I’ve picked ‘next century’ and ‘next week’ to delay it (haven’t tried ‘tomorrow’). However, the popup always comes back the same day, no matter how many times I postpone it; Haven’t timed it, but it feels like ~2 hours.

It’s my computer, Avast. If I have reason to wait, let me do it in piece.

I suspect that they have a sense of humour when giving options like ‘next century’ or ‘next week’ when in reality you/they want to reboot at your earliest convenience.

A reboot is required if low level drivers are to be replaced.

What I would suggest to you if those options don’t fit in with your computer use, then set the Program updates to Ask when an update is available. When you are ready then you can do a manual program update.

An antivirus isn’t really the place for humor, in my opinion. Thank you for the answer though, I guess I’ll just have to resort to that.

You’re welcome.

That is just my thoughts on what those two options might be, as an avast user like yourself, I don’t really understand why they would put options there which aren’t honoured.

Some new info-
Selected ‘tomorrow’ shortly after making this thread, just to test it. Even that comes back up in a handful of hours. Could someone from Avast answer, is basically lying to your users intended function?