I am having the same problem. The funny thing is that it only does it when the dsl modem is on. If you start up or reboot and the modem is shut off then no problems. It you start up or reboot and the modem is on then you get the AVAST! The AAVM subsystem detected a RPC error. The operation could not be completed.
I tried the UseRAS=1 trick but it didn’t work.
Winxp up to date with service packs
using the winppoe (native). I am thinking this is part of the problem. Reason - If the modem is on at startup or reboot then you get the error and the network icon (local I think) does not come up either. If you do the trick mentioned above or start avast from the icon on the desktop and allow it to scan memory and then set the scan from disabled to standard, it will then pickup and the red X will disappear. After the red x disappears, the (local) network icon will show up and you can then connect to the internet.
I thought it was just something winxp was being crabby over. It is not a terrible inconvenience but would be nice if it could be resolved. We just make sure that winxp and avast are all up and running before turning the modem on.
Thank you for your time and attention on this matter. Will check back for further instructions or recommendations.
For me - it just sits there. Also, the local network icon will not load so we can not connect to the internet. If I tell avast to start (from desktop icon or blueball) it will scan memory and then I have to tell it to go from disabled to normal (regular) and then it will start. The local network icon then appears and we can connect to the internet.
It acts as if something is turning off the resident scanner when the modem is turned on. If the modem is turned off then everything works fine. Also, everything works fine if we wait until winxp loads all the start services and avast and then turn the modem on.
I just tried it again. I gave it some time about 90 seconds and it picked up and started going. I guess I was just too impatient for it. Seems to be doing ok now.
I think the modem drivers must be delaying the load of RPC which the avast service depends on… Sorry - I don’t think there is anything we can do about that…
You can try to bug the modem vendor to give you better drivers ;D