Recent Driver update causing Blue Screen???

Two days ago my laptop began getting Blue Screen errors. I opened system restore and noticed that avast had created a restore point earlier that day before installing “Device Driver Package Install: Avast Network Service”. I restored my system and everything was good. That night, I updated avast again thinking that the faulty driver update I originally got might have been fixed. Blue screen issues pops up again. I uninstalled Avast Internet Security and installed Free Avast and had no problems for two days. Today, I tried installing Avast IS again and the blue screen errors are back.

I’m trying to open the dump files for more information about the crashes. I’ll post more info when I get it. But for now, did any of you guys experience this issue with the new update? Avast tech, did you get any reports on driver issues??


Btw: I have Avast Internet Security 2015 running on Windows 7 64bit. My laptop is an Asus Zenbook.

EDIT: I’m having issues opening the dump files…

What exact version of avast ?
What OS/SP ?
Any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
What is the exact error on the bsod ?

Exact same issue since last driver update. On my desktop pc i get BSOD everytime i try to disable avast for some time or operate with it.

Windows 7 64 bits - all updates.

Avast free - version 2015.10.2.2218

Happens to me on 2 different pcs. Started after recent update. Both Win 7 64 bit and both version number posted above. My friend told me he got also BSOD yesterday caused by Avast - also free version and on win 7 64bit. Never happened before.

Something went seriously wrong!

Till now I only see people with Windows 7 64 bits reporting a issue.
Strange thing is that avast 2105.10.2.2218 was released over 2 months ago.
I suspect the problem is not caused by avast but a Windows update.

Could be windows update or recent avast driver update. Dont really know, but it started happening 1 day ago.

There was only a vps update, not a application update.
The vps doesn’t have drivers or anything that runs, it is just a database with “information”.
That means it is almost certainly a Windows update.

Please check what Windows updates you have received the past days and ask your friend to do the same.
Let’s see if we can narrow down what is causing it.

There were several windows updates, got all these on both pcs, same as my friend:

  • Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.201.836.0) - installed 3.7.2015
  • Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.201.1144.0) - installed 7.7.2015
  • Aktualizace systému Windows 7 pro systémy na platformě x64 (KB3064209) - installed 8.7.2015
  • Aktualizace systému Windows 7 pro systémy na platformě x64 (KB3065979) - installed 8.7.2015
  • Aktualizace systému Windows 7 pro systémy na platformě x64 (KB3040272) - installed 8.7.2015
  • Aktualizace systému Windows 7 pro systémy na platformě x64 (KB3065987) - installed 8.7.2015
  • Aktualizace systému Windows 7 pro systémy na platformě x64 (KB2952664) - installed 8.7.2015

I don’t have any problems, but I didn’t install KB2952664 and KB3065987.

Windows 7 x86

It sure looks like either KB2952664 and/or KB3065987 is causing the problem.
I will try to attract attention from someone from avast to have a look.

Send a message to avast.
Let’s see if they come up with something.

Ok, let us know what they find. Thanks.

I don’t know which avast internet security version I was running. I didn’t check before uninstalling it. I’m now running free avast which hasn’t caused any issues yet (free avast version is 2015.10.2.2218).
Also, I am running Windows 7 64bit with all updates. Here’s a list of my most recent Windows updates:

Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.201.1144.0)
Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.201.836.0)
Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.201.478.0)
Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition

And I only have Malwarebytes installed (with Windows Defender of course).

I’ll try to upgrade to Internet Security one more time and see what happens. Also, do you think this could be an avast firewall issue? Then again, it’s strange that some people are experiencing this issue with free avast…so maybe the firewall is not to blame.

Oh and I also have the KB2952664 update but that was installed about a month ago (June 10th). I can’t find KB3065987 in my update history though.

And I accidentally deleted my dump files while running CCleaner so…I don’t know the BSOD error code :-[

Any progress on the issue? BSOD from antivir is not really nice thing!

Although the bsod says it is avast, it doesn’t mean that avast is the cause of it.
It can be something else that prevents avast from working correctly.

As I said, I’ve send a message to avast.
They are (QA department) looking into it as we speak.
Just have patience and let them do their work.

Hi guys,

I’ve tried to reproduce this problem on Windows 7 x64, however, with no luck. Could you provide any additional info?

Does anyone having this problem have K9 internet filter installed on their computer? I had WhoCrashed read my dump files and it pointed to K9. I uninstalled K9 from my computer and have not had any issues for about two weeks.