I currently have version 6.45.1 on my Motorola One 5G phone. The normal Avast icon has disappeared from Notifications (e.g. the notification that informs Avast is protecting you; I have the following notifications turned off: “Discounts and promos,” Permanent," “Progress”), and a scheduled scan has started running daily despite the scheduled scan setting being turned off (see the image attached).
Spoke too soon. See the attachment. After the reload, Scheduled scanning is locked, but has (default) greyed-out settings for 10AM on Mondays. It took until today (e.g. the Monday after the reload) for the unexpected automatic scan notification to surface. It seems pretty clear that the automatic scan process is not noticing that automatic scanning is disabled and is going ahead despite. I smell a bug.
Did you have any earlier versions installed and did you make use of automatic scanning?
Can you please upload a screenshot showing the scan in the Activity log (Menu > Settings > Activity log)
I’ve had earlier versions installed but those should have been gone when I removed and reinstalled, right? AFAIK, I’ve never made use of automatic scanning.
The “Menu > Settings > Activity log” screenshot attached has January 31 expanded and the page scrolled to the bottom. This shows when the scheduled scan was done and also that the logs started January 24 (when I did the reinstall).
(The attachment doesn’t work. I end up at a blank page and the post doesn’t show up.)
I also noticed that misbihavior (planned scan running but plan-scan option is disabled/greyed out) after upgrading to version 6.45, even after deinstall and resinstall of the app. Dispate the fact that now after reinstall plan scan option is no more free feature
I tried, Opera, Brave, Pale Moon, LibreWolf, Credge, and even IE. Some gave the blank page, others indicated a problem with the site mentioning HTTP ERROR 500. (Note that I’m reading the forum from my desktop and not my phone.)
Technically, it’s not an error but the Activity Log page you requested (scrolled/expanded as I described). If you’re after something else, such as the error page from one of the browsers that shows an error message when posting with an attachment fails, let me know.
I’ve received feedback that the issue of scheduled scanning happening in spite of being turned off (disabled for free) is expected to be fixed in 6.47.0.
(The issue of posting failing when the post has an attachment has also just been confirmed using a browser on my phone, not just on my desktop system.)
Please add a screenshot of the error message you get. I tried again on both desktop and mobile using Chrome and Firefox and could not reproduce the issue.