Recesso abbonamento di prova avast cleanup

Buona serata. Ho accettato il periodo di prova per Avast Clean up abbonamento Y44F79-X6U57J-4YU4ZA che si rinnova il 13 dicembre. Non avrei intenzione di rinnovare ma avendo il programma e-mail guasto non riuscirò a ricevere l’e-mail di conferma con la quale provvederei a disdire il rinnovo…chiedo quindi un modo arrivare a poter disdire il contratto anche perchè la ricaricabile di pagamento non è in grado di sostenere la spesa…ed il pagamento verrebbe rifiutato…
Magari il moderatore potrebbe disdire l’abbonamento per me in modo da non far partire l’abbonamento automatico.
Grazie …

Good evening. I accepted the trial period for Avast Clean up subscription Y44F79-X6U57J-4YU4ZA which is renewed on December 13th. I have no intention of renewing but having the failed e-mail program I will not be able to receive the confirmation e-mail with which I would cancel the renewal … I therefore ask for a way to be able to cancel the contract also because the rechargeable of payment is not able to sustain the expense … and the payment would be refused …
Maybe the moderator could cancel the subscription for me so as not to start the automatic subscription.
Thanks …


your subscription has already been cancelled on December 4 (yesterday).

The trial period is still valid until December 14 so you can still enjoy our product until then.

Thank you and have a nice day.

thank you for the answer STELLARMAN … as I was leaving I could not manage the subscription.