Recommended Registry Cleaner?

What registry cleaners do you recommend? Must be free.

Reg Seeker

Well I use CCleaner(freeware) and it is not only a reg cleaner it has a lot of others features - :wink:

2nd vote for RegSeeker, but it is not the most friendly user interface and there is no help file.
So it really isn’t a good first registry cleaner or for those not familliar with the registry and the information they would be looking at to make a decision to delete or keep.

I use Ccleaner and JV 16 power tools

CCleaner does it job not bad! :wink:

Have to agree with YLAP ::slight_smile:

Lexun RegScrubXP

The new version has been due out at thanksgiving for a year now:

CCleaner does a decent job, the most thorough one is RegSupreme Pro however it is not free. Registry cleaners can help fix some problems but they do not improve performance in any way, so keep that in mind.

It is also dangerous to use any and all registry cleaners that you find since some with carelessly remove good registry keys. If the program has not been updated in some time (a year of more) I would avoid it.

Also the Microsoft Regclean is severly outdated and can cause a lot of problems if run on anything but Windows 95.