recurring malware "com.arxv.resvsd"in Android 8.1 Go

I have a problem with recurring malware in my new Android phone; Avast is cathing the symptoms but after deleting it re-installs itself.
Avast reports (on a daily basis) the following threats:

  • com.arxv.resvsd

Apparently the malware disguises itself as legitimate apps. After uninstalling it comes back within 24hrs. What I can see is that it only tries to install popups for online shopping stuff.
Sofar I have done a factory reset and only installed the minimum apps: same problem. I have never had “adult” apps on this phone as described in another post here.
The phone is a very cheap Turkish made Teksun Quatro10 which probably uses obsolete hardware. Do I have simply hardware based vulnerabilities or is the malware hardcoded into the OS?

Any suggestions welcome!

From your description of the issue it seems that the malware is a part of your device system. We saw such cases in the past - you can even read an article about it on our blog here:

If this is the case (and it really seems that it is), the only solution would be to have the phone re-flashed with a “malware-free” rom (if such is available). A service center of the phone’s manufacturer should be able to do it. Or you may eventually hope that the manufacturer publishes a system update that will remove the malicious part.

Thanks Tereza,

That makes unfortunately sense and was wat I was afraid of. Cheap phone equals asking for trouble!