red box while attempting to update

recently updated to the newer version and i seem to be gettin the some kind of error while trying to update.

any1 got any ideas to what my problem may be?


see attached pic for a screen shot

Basically, check:

  1. If your subscription allows the update right now (i.e., if it is not expired).

  2. Check you firewall settings and allow avast.setup to connect. If you’re not sure, just turn off your firewall (to be sure the update failure is not due to it)

  3. Check your proxy settings into avast!:
    Left click the avast icon > Settings
    Update (Basic) > Details > Proxy

    Make sure your browser is not set to “Work Offline” (this option is generally in the File menu). If it doesn’t help, try switching the proxy settings from “Auto-detect” to “No proxy” (I’m assuming you’re not connecting to the Internet via proxy).

I’m having the same problem as who0sh. tested everything with connection, firewall (XPs), uninstall + reinstall…nothing helps, still getting this annoying red box. any more suggestions???

Change (or add) AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast4.ini file.
You could set the number of seconds to wait before attempting to update. The default is 30 but it may not be enough in some DSL systems. In this case, you can try increasing this e.g. to 60 (1 minute). That should be enough.

More details here:;action=display;threadid=1647

Or, on contrary, you’re receiving the red panel any time and not only after login…? Can you be more specific?

well, I added the [InetWD] AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds=60 to the ini-file and nothin happens, still getting the red box at any time after login. btw when installing avast the updates went good but after a while the red box appears.
shouldn’t this [InetWD] be included automatically when installing avast 6.4 pro build 4.6.731? the previous version worked without any problems.

If you check through some of the other posts here it seems that some avast users are, after upgrading to 731, finding difficulties with VPS updates. For most users in this category reverting to the previous version of avast seems to remove the difficulty.

For these users changing the AlwaysConnectedWaitSeconds value into the [InetWD] section of avast4.ini file is just going to delay the inevitable problem and, unfortunately, it offers them no relief.

I think most users with this situation must await further resolution by the avast team.