Red Screen and Win32:Dialer-gen.[Trj] HELP PLEASE!!

Need help desperately…the red screen is driving me crazy!! My screen turned red with a big black box in the center which flashes “Danger Spyware”. I have Windows 2000.

Avast keeps detecting it every few minutes and gives the message ‘Malware was Found’. The malware it names is Win32:Dialer-gen[Trj] but doesnt seem to be able to delete it. Avast On-Access pops the message that [REMOVED URL] contains a sample of Win32:Dialer-gen.[Trj]

Ran Ad Aware SE but of no use.

I’m not able to change my wallpaper nor can I right click on the desktop.

Can I get rid of this nasty virus? Or do I have to reinstall OS?

Please help!!

Dear Addy,

You should never give a link to known malware, the DrWeb pre-link scanner gives dgprpsetup.exe packed by UPX, this is Dialer.Sporn. Download DrWebCureit from here: and run to remove.


Yes, we can get rid of it.

First, please remove the link you posted, because it could be dangerous for anybody who clicks on it without the protection of avast! Webshield.

This is a desktop hijack, very possibly PSGuard related. Noahdfear’s SmitRem removal tool is the first thing to try, followed by Ewido Trojan remover:

Do you have any anti-spyware programs?

Ad-Aware and Spybot Search & Destroy are free, and Spysweeper has a free trial.

If the problem persists, come back and tell us, but I suspect the above should sort it out!

Good luck!

Thanks guys for the replies. Sorry about the link…didn’t realize it could be serious. This is my first post so don’t know how to edit it. Saw just now it’s been removed. Thanks. Gonna try your advice. Hope it works.

Dear Polonus & FreewheelinFrank,

It worked!! What a relief to see my active desktop back. I tried all your suggestions! Smitrem & Ewido got rid of the red screen desktop hijack though Avast kept popping the malware and trojan warnings. DrwebCureit got rid of those!!

Thanks a million!! :smiley:

Just one more question…is it safe to keep Avast, Ewido & Ad Aware together on my PC?

Of course. :slight_smile:

Hi Addy,

Always nice that it worked for you, FwF is glad too for ye. Keep those programs on, and update them regarly, and scan your computer. I would advise you to use:
Ad Aware (free), SpywareBlaster (free) and Spybot Search and Destroy (free) and
Ewido. Use Avast for your Anti Virus Scanner (only this) and use a good free Firewall (only one, like ZoneAlarm). If you further keep your Windows updated and install all the patches for Windows and your browser, you will have some rest, I can assure you.

greets and enjoy your Xmas days,


:slight_smile: One cautionary note IF you have SpywareBlaster AND
Spybot on the same computer : Spybot Updates, at times,
will DISABLE some of SpywareBlaster’s items of
protection, so need to check that ALL items in “Blaster”
are “enabled” AFTER a Spybot Update .

I have had both programs for a number of years now and have NEVER experienced this problem. Lucky I guess or not that much of a problem.

IE-Spyad will remove entries if you click on the uninstall script. Some of these entries will then be reported as ‘protection not enabled’ or ‘immunization possible’ by Spybot and SpywareBlaster. IE-Spyad removes items that are no longer a threat- website no longer exists etc.- while the other programs do not seem to do so.

Hi FwF,

I thought Ad-aware, Spybot S&D, SpywareBlaster and Bazooka
worked well together, I never had any complaints in that way.
But I always extra click on enable in SpywareBlaster, and immunize in Spybot S&D, and I make the snapshot with the date and name of the log. Occasionaly I scan with Spyaudit, to see but it always says 0 0 0 0. What can I do? ;D


i’m having the same problem on my windows ME computer! do these solutions apply to windows ME?

You can’t run Ewido on Migraine Edition, but SmitRem will work. Try a-Squared Trojan remover instead of Ewido: