... didn't mean to be such a pest.
think I will slink off now and hide
Friends, I am so sorry that I ask so many questions. One day--SOON--I want to be able to contribute useful information to the forums...not be such a dummy about these things...I am (sad) because I don't like always getting things, I like to do my part!
I am trying to get more understanding about computers, it's very interesting, but also a bit hard..I don't think I'm a natural when it comes to these machines
sigh...have another new question!
It seems like you need some cheering up.
You can tell from the tone of the replies you get to your posts (c’mon, I know you can since being a nurse requires smarts and the ability to read people), we at this forum don’t think of you as an annoyance, pest was the word you used. Never a harsh word or criticism, just friendly advice and encouragement, mixed with a little humor (the emoticons give it away). I’ve visited many forums over the past year, some of them refer to themselves as communities, but none of them – zip, nada, zilch – approach the spirit achieved by this one. The avast! forums set the gold standard.
Keep in mind that one of the reasons that people like Culpeper, doggeral, Dave50, MacLover2000, mantra, minacross, raman, shgoh, Technical, Techie, trigger, Waldo, Walker, and of course Igor, Kebecj, Pavel, and Vlk are here, besides the satisfaction derived from solving problems I’m sure, is that they like helping people. None of them have to be here; they want to be here, and they like being here, helping people like you. And of course, cookies with Sourthern Comfort or Creme de Cacao don’t hurt!
Personally, I think you’re a delight. I admire the way you are willing to study and make every effort to help yourself rather than relying on others to do it for you, to give you all the answers. If you spend some time in other technical support forums, you’ll realize that there just aren’t too many of you around. And, you don’t just say you’re doing it; you do it. I for one look forward to your posts, especially hearing what steps you’ve taken to improve yourself, and those you’re going to take. You’re to be proud of what you have learned and are learning, not disappointed by what you have yet to learn. Remember, knowledge normally doesn’t come easy, and when it does, most of the time it isn’t worth the brain cells to keep it in. It takes hard work, determination, and heart to labor on.
You’re one of us now lady. Don’t forget it.
All the best,