Red Warning from Avast???

sigh…have another new question!

a red shaded box came up from Avast! about an update and there was a problem and click here for it…so I did…said that port 80 was closed…what does this mean and how do I correct it?? It’s never happened before…
could my messing around with OE be causing this?

Friends, I am so sorry that I ask so many questions. One day–SOON–I want to be able to contribute useful information to the forums…not be such a dummy about these things…I am :-[ because I don’t like always getting things, I like to do my part!
I am trying to get more understanding about computers, it’s very interesting, but also a bit hard…I don’t think I’m a natural when it comes to these machines :frowning:


Port 80 is normally your internet connection. Check your firewall settings and make sure avast is allowed.

culpeper, why did it suddenly start doing it?
never had that before…



Where are my cookies! haha
Anyway, of late, Avast has changed over computers so your copy of Avast may need to update its’ DNS entries which it should do by itself.

But you can do a manual update by right clicking on the A ball in the tray and using the Update feature.

If it does not update manually, then as Culpeper stated, you would need to check your software such as firewalls, proxy filters etc to insure that you did not block port 80.

OE should not have any effect on your internet connection but still …I beg of you…Don’t mess around with your computer settings. I am having a heck of a time going from one of your posts to another as it is now.
:o You certainly keep us all busy. ;D

Too much reading to go back and check if you had a firewall.

Let me know.


I’m sorry, techie :-[
I have the EasyGuard firewall…xp is already disabled.

think I will slink off now and hide :-\


I really am sorry.


You should still be able to configure Easy Guard to allow Avast to auto-update.

If you shut down EG, will Avast update?

If it does, then all we need to do is set the permissions in EG to allow Avast.

Don’t hide. Glad to help.


thanks, techie, but i think i should study before posting…
didn’t mean to be such a pest.

thanks for all your help,


No need really to study. Just try to do as asked, and if you don’t understand how to do something…request a more detailed explanation.

Right now, I want you to temporarily shut down EG to see if Avast will update.
This should be as simple as right clicking on the tray icon for EG and clicking Exit (or Shutdown).

Then try Avast manual update.



... didn't mean to be such a pest.
think I will slink off now and hide
Friends, I am so sorry that I ask so many questions. One day--SOON--I want to be able to contribute useful information to the forums...not be such a dummy about these things...I am (sad) because I don't like always getting things, I like to do my part! I am trying to get more understanding about computers, it's very interesting, but also a bit hard..I don't think I'm a natural when it comes to these machines
sigh...have another new question!

It seems like you need some cheering up.

You can tell from the tone of the replies you get to your posts (c’mon, I know you can since being a nurse requires smarts and the ability to read people), we at this forum don’t think of you as an annoyance, pest was the word you used. Never a harsh word or criticism, just friendly advice and encouragement, mixed with a little humor (the emoticons give it away). I’ve visited many forums over the past year, some of them refer to themselves as communities, but none of them – zip, nada, zilch – approach the spirit achieved by this one. The avast! forums set the gold standard.

Keep in mind that one of the reasons that people like Culpeper, doggeral, Dave50, MacLover2000, mantra, minacross, raman, shgoh, Technical, Techie, trigger, Waldo, Walker, and of course Igor, Kebecj, Pavel, and Vlk are here, besides the satisfaction derived from solving problems I’m sure, is that they like helping people. None of them have to be here; they want to be here, and they like being here, helping people like you. And of course, cookies with Sourthern Comfort or Creme de Cacao don’t hurt!

Personally, I think you’re a delight. I admire the way you are willing to study and make every effort to help yourself rather than relying on others to do it for you, to give you all the answers. If you spend some time in other technical support forums, you’ll realize that there just aren’t too many of you around. And, you don’t just say you’re doing it; you do it. I for one look forward to your posts, especially hearing what steps you’ve taken to improve yourself, and those you’re going to take. You’re to be proud of what you have learned and are learning, not disappointed by what you have yet to learn. Remember, knowledge normally doesn’t come easy, and when it does, most of the time it isn’t worth the brain cells to keep it in. It takes hard work, determination, and heart to labor on.

You’re one of us now lady. Don’t forget it.

All the best,

Cojo, a suggestion: do not try to correct any trouble immediatly… Lot of them could be corrected in the next boot… There are diseases that gone away alone, not all of them requires a surgery… I have some experience on it 8)

Yesterday, the same red warning come on my Windows 98 machine… No worry, I tryed a manual update and everything goes fine…

Computer? Easy going is a solution sometimes… ;D

now I know why this has become the best place in the world! thank you all for your word of encouragement.

Hornus, thank you…I needed to hear what you said! It’s hard sometimes being the “new kid on the block”…
but I will continue to study and learn :slight_smile: this forum has given so much to me that I really want to give back, too.

techie, it worked as far as the EG…thank you.

Technical,bless you…you are right! Maybe if I stop feeling like I am in a race, then I can relax and learn better. I didn’t get my master’s in one day so maybe I should not try and become a savvy computer woman in two days :slight_smile:

my thanks again,


You are very welcome. Glad to be of service.
Then I am to assume that Avast did update ok with EG shutdown. If that is the case, give me the home site of EG so I can obtain more info on it so I can tell you how to set the bypass for Avast (unless you already did it). I was unable to find a source for Easy Guard, so please provide the url if you can. Thanks.

Think I’ll start calling you Reverend from now on. :wink:

darn! had the name wrong :-[
it’s from Computer Associates…the whole package is EzArmor…I am using just the EZGuard for the fire wall because Avast! is superior :slight_smile: for anti virus.

techie, a handsome sounding man–in my computer–told me my update was done ;D after I disabled the firewall.


Let’s help you to update without disabling the firewall. This is lesson two, for an advanced user ;D
Remember techie’s words of wisdom: You should still be able to configure Easy Guard to allow Avast to auto-update:wink:

Techie, Technical,

Is this the program site? Computer Associates (ETrust!)…

yes, Walker, that is the place…



Ok, I am familiar with Computer Associates. They vendor a nice array of software which I have found to be reliable and stable.
I did use their Innoculate PE anti-virus back when…when it was free. haha

Anyway, you need to run the Internet Wizard within Ez Trust firewall to set your outbound rules. It is very easy. If you have difficulty, then I suggest that you contact CAI via phone and have them walk you through the procedure.

If it lets you set something like “ASK’ for each outgoing connection, then set it that way so you and the program can 'learn” which programs you want to let access the internet without asking each and every time.

I am not that familiar with the Ez line so being as humble as I am, call CAI. hahaha

Oh by the way, you liked the handsome male voice on the update!
All right…you found me out.

techie ;D

;D ;D ;D all right! I found you out!

I actually have it set up! and working 8) 8)
kind of surprised myself :o
but it is doing a good job for me…I’m impressed!



YOUR impressed! So am I! Great job!
Your learning more than you think.

I’ll be around.

Take care,

PS: a big “K” for you.


Think I'll start calling you Reverend from now on.

Funny you should say that; I am “ordained,” not by any “offical” church mind you. Just for grins and giggles, a friend of mine, Revernd Chuck who did it years ago, also registered me with a web site, and they sent him a certificate for me. The web site states, according to him at least, that I can now operate a church and perform the duties of an ordained minister, including marry people. Cojo, anyone here at the forum you feel especially close to? ;D


I was going to claim credit for the voice, but techie beat me to it. :wink:
