Redirect Remover - like this add-on for Fx and Flock..

Hi ye all,

And I have another question, maybe someone here can answer this?
If one has NoScript installed, do one needs the Redirect Remover add-on or does NoScript also has this functionality aboard?
As Redirect Remover does not help much Privacy Wise (there are many ways to circumvent it) - it makes links much more visible, for instance with Yahoo redirects etc. this can be very helpful for the common user.

Redirect Remover from Xeen, can be found here: I use it on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.1a2pre) Gecko/2008080203 Minefield/3.1a2pre ID:2008080203 forced through Nightly Tester Tools, the add-on works beautifully together with NoScript and BetterPrivacy - no sweat. And considering this Redirect Remover add-on - Give it a try boys and girls, and I think some here will especially like like it,


Hi malware fighters.

Just got this answer from the man behind NoScript, Giorgio Maone, “Regarding redirect remover, NoScript does not strip away redirecting URL, therefore if you’re interested you need both extensions.”

So it is obvious every little bit of security helps, redirect remover is going to stay in my List of Extensions.
And there are reasons for it, spelled … insecure redirects.


So it is obvious every little bit of security helps, redirect remover is going to stay in my List of Extensions. And there are reasons for it, spelled .... insecure redirects.
It's a fact that on my sites, if you eliminate the redirect ability, you'll never get to the intended website.

You would probably be surprised at the number of legitimate redirects that there are and I can see this being potentially a pain in the rear. Bob’s example being only one such issue.

A lot would depend on how the redirect is achieved, if it is in a script then NoScript would block it. Even if it didn’t and you ended up at a redirected site then if this were for malicious purposes then NoScript should step up at the site and block any malicious scripts.

Almost every website you go to likes to make sure it receives some credit for your visit before passing you along to the actual website
which actually contains the information or program your seeking.
MySharedFiles just happens to be an exception to this rule. ;D

Hi bob3160,

That is not true, Fx with Redirect Remover installed, seen all your vacation pictures, all the four legged friend pictures, all the redirects worked but securely. Try it out for yourself, and then for the one occasion there is you can whitelist or enable/disable by clicking the Redirect Remover button, so run it to the test before you comment, it is only there to keep you sharp…
And you get there faster, look for pics on Google, you see the Redirect Remover logo, and it takes you to the source site immediately,


Every time I disable the redirection… a lot of sites can’t be connected in my computer… I gave up ::slight_smile:

Right clicking on the link shows options such as white-listing and open uncleaned link. As polonus pointed out, RedirectRemover speeds up some sites while increase some nuisances as well. So, the conclusion is again the same one – try it out by yourself and decide if you need it or not.

Hi bob3160,

That is not true, Fx with Redirect Remover installed, seen all your vacation pictures, all the four legged friend pictures

That’s because I don’t use any re-direct on my server. :slight_smile: