reformatted hard drive and lost all Avast 4 Pro information

I bought a 2 year subscribtion to Avast 4 Pro after my computer was already riddled with trojans. I finally had to have the hard drive reformatted to get rid of the viruses, but unfortunately I lost the email with the license key, so now I am back to having the free home version. Can I get the professional version back? I registered again, and put a message in that I had lost the paid-for version, but the reply was automated and sent a license key for the home version.

Welcome jennyjayne to the forum.When I purchased avast pro all transactions and license key was handled by believe you may have to contact thier customer service and explain what has happened.

Please send me e-mail to chocholous |a| avast |.| com and I’ll send you your avast! Professional key (if I’ll find your e-mail address in our database). Please specify that you have lost your professional key in the message, eventually place link to this thread in your e-mail.

Thank you for replying to my quest for help. I got the license key and cut and pasted it and the home edition was immediately updated to the avast 4 professional edition. Thanks again.

hy chocholo I have the same problem. Can I contact you by email?

Sure, just click the envelope under his name 8)

Your mail came from badly typed e-mail address. I sent a key to the e-mail address from your forum profile.

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----
    (reason: 550 Host unknown)

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
550 5.1.2 <iXXo@grXXtoXXloXXio.XXX>... Host unknown (Name server: grXXtoXXloXXio.XXX: host
not found)