
What is the use of doing refresh in windows Does doing it free some ram I keep refreshing my computer and I don’t know why I am doing this ???Can you please tell me what does refreshing the computer do?

When your at a website, “Refresh” or, the F5 Key Refreshes the web page.
If you’ve brought up old stored information from your temp file, this will update the page with the new current info.

I didn’t ask about refreshing the website I asked about refreshing computer by right clicking on the desktop and clicking on refresh :slight_smile:

As far as I am concerned, the refresh from the right click menu on the desktop to which you specifically refer in a another post in this thread simply refreshes or redraws the current desktop, ie redraws the icons etc, it does not “refresh the computer”. Saying that you keep doing this but you don’t know why you are doing it is not perhaps a good sign.

If the icons on the desktop have for some reason suddenly not drawn completely or properly by all means refresh once, otherwise you are just wasting your computers time and CPU resources. :slight_smile:

I agree with olddog that the right click menu Refresh on the desktop only refreshes the current desktop. This does not refresh your computer but only refreshes the desktop.

There is no reason to do this unless your desktop does not load correctly.

Does that mean refreshing is useless :o I have seen most of the people doing it
Thanks for answering :slight_smile:

Some times when i use Eraser, a file was erased is showed still in the desktop, then i click refresh andd voilà.

Refreshing the desktop does exactly that it refreshes what’s displayed on your desktop.
It does not refresh your computer or it’s memory. :slight_smile: