My free trial of Avast Cleanup Premium was converted into a full version automatically when I didn’t want to use it after the free trial ended. Also when I tried to view the order and cancel any future updates happening against my knowledge I was met with an error saying that the order number was invalid?!

I’ve submitted a refund ticket (Ticket number 06079832) last Saturday but I don’t know how long its gonna take for Avast to respond, I just want my money back cause I didn’t wanna upgrade to a yearly subscription. Could I please get some help from an admin who could speed up this process and help me get my money back?

Your subscription was renewed because your previous order had Auto-Renewal option active.

Our distributor informed you about this renewal in the renewal notification emails (30 & 15 days) before the renewal.

These emails informs about upcoming renewal event together with a description how to cancel this renewal feature.

Your renewal order was refunded as you requested.