
Alright, I don’t know if this is the right place for it, but here’s the situation.
My computer, on which I’ve now recieved, today, a renewed license, has been out of use for at least half a year now.
I had simply forgotten to cancel the renewal in time, but now I would definitely like my money back, because my computer is busted and there is absolutely no reason I need to have an internet security that I can’t use.

I’d hate to have 49,99€ go up in smoke for nothing. I haven’t really been using it anyway. I haven’t even activated it, since the computer it’s supposed to be licensed for hasn’t been on for at least 6 months.

So is it possible for me to get a refund still?
I hope it is.

I’m truly sorry if this is completely the wrong place for this but I didn’t know what else to do and having forgotten to cancel the renewal just pisses me off so damn much, right now.
It can take up to 5 business days for a reply so be patient.

Avast has a 30 day refund policy.
It is clear you did not asked for a refund within this period.

You can use the license for the remaining time on a new system if you want.

Eddy, the renewal occurred today.

No, the computer returned today.
Looks you missed the part where the op says “has been out of use for at least half a year now.”

Oh no, I mean it’s still out of use.
I didn’t use the new license, I just went to my Avast account on my work laptop and cancelled the renewal for next time, but the renewal happened today. As in I got the email saying “The renewal of your subscription was successful” or whatever the english equivalent is.

So can I still get a refund from it, through that link you gave me?

If so, I should have 30 days anyway so no problem. Unless I misunderstood.

Yes, you still are entitled for a refund.
Submit the ticket and have patience.
avast will handle it.

Alright, thank you!

I feel dumb for having to ask, but do I put my home address to the “billing address” section when asking for the refund, or do I put something else, like my email address?

I would put the email address anyway (in the more information box), so they could contact you if they need to.

I believe the billing address may be used to confirm/find the order to process it.

If the email address hasn’t changed, avast will know it by looking at the order details/ID.

We don’t know that and it doesn’t hurt to give it.

If the email address hasn’t changed we can find the license using it (it is our preferred method to identify a customer), but we still ask for the billing address as oftentimes we get refund requests from customers that don’t remember which email address they used when purchasing the license, so we need to match the customer’s name and billing address :slight_smile:

I’m having problems getting a refund too. I forgot to cancel the auto-renewal and avast debited my account for $89.99 on Friday Feb 10th for the renewal which begins on Feb 20th. I called to cancel and get a refund and was told it would cost me $120.00 for the technician to cancel and refund my money!!! WTF? My bank account is already overdrafted because of the renewal and they want more money??? How can I get my $89.99 back?

Calling just gets you 3rd party support and they really can’t deal with payments/refunds as they haven’t got access to the information.

It should cost you nothing - Use the support ticket system and create a ticket. The link to do that is in Reply #1 above.

I dont believe my initial sign up had an automatic renewal, and its kind of embarrassing when they take the money out of someone elses account when they decide to auto renew on a computer that no longer exists. (Orders and Renewals)

It doesn’t matter if the computer still exists or not, nor does it matter avast is still used or not.
It is a subscription and as long is someone doesn’t stop it, it will go on if auto-renewal is enabled.

See it as a magazine subscription.
It doesn’t matter if you read the magazine or not.
It doesn’t matter if you burn it in the stove right after you have received it or use it for the cat toilet.

Except that for the magazine, the subscription (for a period) has been clearly established in advance, and the buyer knows it very well.
The renewal is very different and must be implicitly indicated by the seller.
In some countries such as France, this is not enough, the seller must notify in writing at least 1 month before the renewal

It is clearly shown before a person finalizes the the payment.
People do get notifications before the renewal takes place giving them enough time to disable the auto-renewal if they wish to do so.

Sorry to say you it’s not shown for a lot of us.

Personally, I looked closely at my contract last October.
Carefully because I have followed the messages of many users right here.
I wanted to get a clearer idea, and nothing was said about renewal.(no more little “*”)
However, by logging in to my account later, auto-renew was enabled, so I turned it off.
Without this early precaution, I was good at seeing my account debited in 1 year, as many users were.
And I repeat, even validated at the time of purchase by the customer, it is illegal in France if the seller does not notify 1 month before payment.
Of course, the case never goes to court, all the returns of the users concerned say they have been repaid.

Now, you can say that I’m a liar and that my eyes were not open enough on the finalization of my payment, but it will not change anything.

Edit:sorry , it’s not my topic but good luck to neosimultanic and selini50 , I’m sure they would have preferred that we (simple users) give them items to go chat with avast and get refunds instead of telling them they can not read carefully (even if it’s true)
We are not employed so avoid saying things that is not able to prove.