Refunding accidental charge on my account

Hi - I found your site and I needed to get some security for myself, but it stinks cause i got charged for 2 systems and i was still just checking them, Well, I would like a return on them-
GOOGLE AVAST ANTIVIRU 650 253 0000 CA $12.65
JAN 22,2025
GOOGLE AVAST SOFTWARE 650 253 0000 CA $29.53
JAN 22, 2025

I did end up ordering the avast antivirus - hopefully I can use it on 3 of my sources Laptop, Kindle Fire and my Samsung Android - looks like a great product. Please to make it easier for your customers , will you please do a tweak to your program on returns, just allow some space - maybe with lines so we can actually tell you what happened. This is a real nightmare to get a return- I didnt even order it i was merely comparing. Nancy Heuser golforewmn@yahoo,com