
Im not complaining but I was wondering why does alwil make you register for the free avast home? The only reason i can think of is if alwil is going to charge money for avast in the future.

I don’t think so :wink:
Maybe they want to know how many users are using the program ::slight_smile:

As far as I’m aware and it has been discussed many times previously in the past (these are my opinions only). It is not for marketing purposes, rather to get an accurate indication of active users and their geographic spread.

No it’s not… just search the board and you’ll find.
Technical issues (update spread), info about the number of users, etc.

ok thanks guys.

Also, beyond all of the reasons mentioned.

I think that you will find that many software programs that updates a database automatically will often require a registration, just because they need to know how many are using the service which helps to know the need for server support etc.

This is probably one reason that SB S&D is having server problems now because they have no idea really how many users are needing their updates since they are the exception to the rule and don’t require registration. The are in the process of adding more servers due to user overload which has caused many errors on DB uploads recently.

I couldn’t have written it better. 8)