I got the first one, too, and filed it away. There seemed nothing I could do with it. My Avast Pro 7 screen told me I was registered.
So then I tried to log in to my account, with the correct e-mail and the password I KNOW I set up (and believe me, it was very hard to do that, because of the stupid e-captcha stuff that is so idiotically hard to read).
Guess what? I couldn’t get logged in, because my e-mail address (which is the one showing on my Avast screen, now) or my password was incorrect. So…I asked to have my password sent to me.
I didn’t get my password. Instead, I got a note saying that my password had been reset. OK, fine. I can deal with that. So I followed the link provided.
Guess what? I got the screen showed in the attachment.
So I went to the account page, and tried to log in, but I don’t have the correct password, now, of course.
So I sent for a password change again. Again I got the e-mail with the new link. Again I got the Page Not Shown.
There is no way I can get into my account, since I can’t access it through anything sent me by Avast! This is upsetting me no end.
I have been told in another topic, that the account isn’t necessary to running Avast! I can SEE that. My Avast! Pro 7 is running just fine on MY computer, though I can’t get it to update on either of my husband’s computers, so I’m waiting until the installer problem has been taken care of.
All in all, though I’m thankful that my own computer is definitely protected, I’m NOT happy with this upgrade, and the new ACCOUNT thing! Why on Earth is it even THERE, if it’s not important, and why don’t the links from Avast! WORK?!
Well, now another try HAS allowed me, at least, to change my password. It now says it has sent me another e-mail. Let’s see what happens.
OK…all is good, now. I still haven’t received the confirmation e-mail (after four tries in the last 10 minutes), but I HAVE been able to log in to my account here at avast.com. Hooray!