
Hi, I’ve been using Avast for a little while now and I wanted to register it. Went to your page, filled the form and I got the code in the E-mail.
Up to here is fine, but the problem is that the program doesn’t let me register, I think.

To register I right click on the tray icon, chose “about avast” and input the code in the window provided. I click OK and I’m done…or not, because I don’t see the code string anywhere.

Is there a way to check if the registration “took”?

Thank you in advance


Most certainly you can check on this…
And glad to have you with us.

You were very close to the answer. Right click on the ball A, go into About Avast. Open up the + in front of Registration.

If you see Expires: Never , and the registrations key #, then you registered properly.

Good Luck ;D

Thank you techie 101 for your prompt response!

Did as instructed, and shows “never” so everything is as it should.
Thank you again