Hi, I have a problem with the re-registration of the avast! Free version 7.0.1426. I’m using it for a year now and my registration will expire in 21 days but when I click on Register now (Maintenance/Registration) I got a message: Retrieving information, please wait… and nothing happens! My internet connection is OK and it downloads updates of engine and virus definitions regularly, too. Any idea? Thx in advance.
do you get any register pop-up from avast ?..it is possible that it dont work before you have less then 14 days
i’ve downloaded Avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1426, and i don’t have its registration yet.
it’s hard for me to find out in this site http://www.avast.com, about Registration.
so, where i can get the registration please?
no, I did not get any pop-ups yet… OK, I wait a couple of days to see if it was the problem
thanks so much…
i’ve already received about license key by your information
Thank you…
You’re welcome.
Since when does a reminder force you to act.
It simply advised me of an upcoming event which requires my attention.
When it’s time to actually renew, I use the function built in to the program and,
My program is renewed and expires one year from the last renewal or, the original purchase date.
You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill because you didn’t follow the normal procedure.
kaitiura why dont you contact avast and get your extra month reinstated if you think you were ripped of :
Mentioning lawyers having posted false and defamatory garbage like this is perhaps not the wisest of moves. You are totally wrong, every paid AV system I have run has started reminding me at least 30 days ahead of time to renew and many busy people could and do forget these things and end up with an AV system that doesn’t update.
If you renew early Avast will and always have altered the license dates so users do not lose out.