registration error for 4home

Hi all!
I have had avast 4 home for a while. I tried to get a new license key, but when I filled out
the form on the registration page I got this error message:

you try to access a page with an invalid URL address.
The form data are set to default values.

not being a computer wiz…I have no idea what this means.

I have Win XP SP2, with wireless internet service.


What page (URL) are you using? Is it or is it another one?

The address is what you said, but with the www in it.

This has the www but I believe you can leave it out without problem. Were you able to get to either of these ?

I just checked and both work.

I just tried again, and received the same error message.

What happens when you click on this link?

I tried it again. I received the same error message.

Thanks for all this help.

Go to the SSL page version and register from there:

@Tech, you beat me to it. 8)

@Cardsfan, if that fails , can you post a scrren shot of the error message?


I received a screen saying they are going to send me a key to my email address.

Thank you all so very very much!!!

Why would the secure screen work and not the other?

I can’t answer why the secure worked, but can add one more bit of advice. Make sure if you have a spam blocker, or if your ISP has one, to allow “”(without the quote marks). Otherwise you won’t recieve your key.

Glad you got it working and welcome to the forum, Generally open 24/7.

Maybe your browser settings, blocking forms etc.

Okay, Im going to need some more help in seeing if my browser or ISP is blocking anything.
Where do I go?

I doubt your ISP is involved on this…
Which browser do you use?

Internet Explorer 7

Tools > Internet Options > Security
Internet Zone
Let the default level of security (a button in the bottom of the window).

Thanks to everyone who helped me!

You guys are awesome!

I received my key, and registration is complete.

Thanks again!!!

Fell free to come back and ask for help any time you need 8)