My husband downloaded the home users version and it calls for a registration key. Whenever he tries to register online, the page keeps locking up…
Any ideas??
My husband downloaded the home users version and it calls for a registration key. Whenever he tries to register online, the page keeps locking up…
Any ideas??
Strange, you mean you cannot finish your Registration process? Or you do not receive the email with the key?
Which are your operational system and Internet browser program?
Are u talking about this page: ??
I have downloaded the home edition for two friends who don’t have high speed connections (as I do) and have used their info for the registration, but had the key sent to my e-mail address. However when they installed the application and entered the reg key, the application says the key is invalid. Now both of them have messages that they need to register, which one has done but still the key won’t work. I have cut and pasted the key number, so no errors in copying. How can I help them?
thanks for any help guys!
Easy, have them register and they will have their own key sent to them.
Your key is unique to you and your email address. The fact that you had the keys sent to the same email (your), it is recognised and the same key (yours) is sent again.
Don’t forget they have 60 days use without a reg key. The total file size of the download is only about 8MB so should only have taken about 32 - 40 minutes, even on dial-up (that is what I used).
Actually, David, there were 3 separate keys, but it still could be that the e-mail is an issue. One problem is that one of the friends doesn’t have an e-mail account, only browses the web. (don’t ask). For the other, I’ll have to go over and re-do her reg and have it sent to her e-mail address, reason I didn’t before is that with dial up, getting a reply can take some (valuable) time for me… thanks for the info
Check and ensure that they cut and pasted the key in (some times they copy the trailing space) and ensure that the system date is correct.
Yes, David, I did do a cut and paste, no extra spaces…but to no avail… which system date are you referring to? the computer’s date, as in calendar date? may I ask why? if timing between download and key entry is an issue , that may be the problem… it was a couple of days after download before I got back to their places…
On the system tray, double click to expand and see the date. The issue could be a future date past the expiry date of key or possibly a date in the past also.
The timing between download shouldnt be a problem, unless you downloaded it on or arround the 31 dec 2004 and 1st Jan 2005. There was an issue with the year 2005 in the earlier version of avast and new reg keys.
Thanks again David for your quick reply, the date isn’t an issue… So, do you suggest I start over with their installs? Neither of these people are pc savy, really just occasional users. Their systems were a huge mess and it took me hours to clean up all the infections because they had no real protection. I really don’t have the additional time to wait for a dial up download while at their homes. Can you suggest any alternatives?
Probably best to do an uninstall, reboot, install, boot. and try again.
There is also an Avast Uninstall Utility, find it here that you could also run after uninstall to ensure every thing is removed.
You needn’t download the whole program again, why not copy the downloded avast-setupeng.exe and avast uninstall utility from your HDD on to a CD and copy that to their PC.
That sounds easy enough, but what about the key? will mine work for them as well? or shall I use the one that I got for each of them?
thanks for the utility too…
It would be best if you use the ones you got for them I think. Yours would probably work initially on theirs but may cause problems at update time (program/iAVS).
I don’t know how the registration is validated, you can have multiple copies of the home version (provided they qualify for home/non-business use) and the same reg key without problem. However, using the same reg key and using a different ISP/IP address may (my thoughts only) cause a complication.