Registration key error message

I have Avast 4 home version installed on a P2.4 computer running Windows XP Home. Being a home computer, each family member has their own user. Avast was installed in the OWNER user, and the registration key entered OK.

However, when any other person logs in under their own user, the error message “Registration key not entered” appears. The email software appears to run OK but a disc scan can only be performed when logged in as the OWNER.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Hey avast! team… Any comments? :-[
I use it in a multiple user system (administrator + users) and everything goes fine… Could be any difficult with an specific registry key? :-\

This issue was handled by email.

Technical, be so kind and don’t touch all the old threads because most of the questions have already been handled by alternative means, actually.


Looks like I’m in exactly the same situation: family PC running XP, so four Windows logins (all with administrator rights).

I installed avast! 4 Home on my own id, got the registration key, everything was fine. Set Mozilla Thunderbird up to use e-mail chacking, so far so good.

Wife then logs in and is asked to enter registration key, so I cut’n’pasted the one from my own registration e-mail. Didn’t work.

What’s the secret to using avast! on a machine with 4 Windows logins ?

(Looks good by the way - just need cross this last hurdle !)

In case of rraymond14, it was caused by the fact his wife didn’t have appopriate access rights to the registry key.

Log on under your account, start regedit, navigate yourself to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\ALWIL Software, click Permissions and make sure all the accounts have at least read access (they should have it by default). If they don’t, you need to add it. You can add the Everyone group as well.


I downloaded Avast from ZDnet,when my trial period ended I downloaded my info to get a key for home use I was e-mailed a key serial # When I type it in I recieve a message stating invalid key #, Please help, Thank You, James Poore. I am running Windows XP 256MB I assume 900 gigs,2 harddrives C and F, C has 9.48 Gigs and F 30 gigs, total 40 gigabytes, I am going to try to re-enter key using #‘s from top of keyboard instead of # pad’ once again, Thanks

Copy and paste it, it’s the best thing to enter it.

Thanks for the guidance - the registry entries set up by my login didn’t have read access from the other logins at all. Fixing that has solved the problem.

Incidentally, this knowledge has also allowed me to fix another annoying problem - Zone Alarm on the other logins always prompted to go into the tutorial every time it started. I’ve changed the permissions on the registry entries for that too, and now it understands…

Thanks again, and the product is looking pretty good…

BTW do you have any idea why the reg keys didn’t have the rights?

I mean, do you remember ever tampering with these things? Or is it a complete mystery?


Complete mystery. Initially the XP box as delivered had one userid, IIRC I simply created 4 new ones, one for each family member. All set as ‘administrators’. I probably deleted the default one soon after.

I’ve certainly seen the ZA issue I mentioned in a ZA forum a while back, and nobody seemed to know the answer, mainly because nobody else got it. But now we know !

I have the same problem as rraymond14. Except, I am using Windows 2000 professional. When I run regedit, there is no place to click on permissions. Any suggestions?

Yes, use RegistrarLite (
But, take care, changing permitions… you could mess everything!

I have found that I can also use regedt32 to accomplish the same thing. I was able to use it to solve my problems. Thanks for the help.

Oh, you’ve got it 8)
I’ve forgot it :-[