Registration on feedback site don't work

Hi, I tried to register on but reg. process hangs on submit and nothig happens… Tried on different machines and systems, different networks,no success. I’m trying it 4 days with the same results.What’s wrong??

The registration system is obviously broken ::slight_smile:

I want to report a problem ;D ;D ;D

The site is extremely slow but the sign in does seem to work:

Are you sure? Problem is that this site is (was?) not only slow, mail with password does not arrive even if process after cca 2 mins ends with “success” popup message… Yes, spam folder checked many times and until now - nothing. It “ate” 3 my emails this way… >:(

Once you log into the forums use this link.
Then click “log-in” then click “single sign-in” then wait for feedback to reload. :slight_smile:

Many thanks Para-Noid, that worked! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the shortcut. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!
Glad I could help. :slight_smile: