registration problem

Hi, I am trying to register the free version of the antivirus v:1.3.0-2, I have received the email with registration code but when I either copy/paste or type it in to the registration box I get the following message - “an error occured in avast engine: Invalid Argument”. I then open avast as administrator (I get the registration box), and the error is - “Incorrect Password - try again”. I am using Zorin 6 which is an Ubuntu derivative. Can you please help.

Hi, I am trying to register the free version of the antivirus v:1.3.0-2,
sure you have avast?...... as latest version is 7.0.1474

He is using Linux :wink:


ahaa… ;D

then the linux forum section is found here.

Sorry and Thanks

There is a sticky post about update error.