
Good Morning,

I was wondering if someone maybe tell when or do I have to register for a new license#, it shows this. (I use Avast 4.6 home edition)

  1. Expiration-Never
  2. Updates Expiration- Wednesday June 01,1905 1:00:00 AM

If I do when would be a good day if I should do it now or when it expires. Thanks for your help. I have been with you guys for a year and I thank you for all your help and support over the first year.

Lava, the new registration lasts for 14 months. You can do it now and the 14 months will start to run or wait until the end of May to do it.
In fact, only few days will be the difference. If you have time, renew now 8)

  1. The program doesn’t expire, the VPS updates do, so you need to re-register every 14 months and a new key will be sent.

  2. As explained the updates (VPS) does, however, the date is somewhat suspect ‘1905’ (only out of date by 100 years ;D) check your system date particularly the year. It probably should have been June 01 2005 so you are only about two weeks from that now.

I suggest you check and confirm the system date is correct and then re-register now - avast! 4 Home Registration

I just got the same message too. I’m disgusted, I didn’t realize Avast was nagware.

On to AVG.

Disgusted? I would say that re-registering once a year is certainly not that hard.
Anyway, good luck.

Wow, calling nagware because a message in 14 months?
Going to AVG? Well, you’ll receive tons of message each update, opening AVG Control Center, finishing the update, etc. ;D

Nagware? Nagware is a program that constantly bugs you with popups about their payable version of the program,or just reminds you all the time that you’re using free edition. avast! doesn’t do that. 10 seconds registration once per 14 months isn’t a big deal for such a nice program.

LOL!!!.. unbelievable…the world is full of strange creatures… :slight_smile:

Yes, Nagware.

March 10 2005 to May 10 2005 is 2 months, not 14 months. And even so, other leading free products (Sygate’s personal firewall, for example) do not force you to renew, and certainly do not disable themselves.

Yes, the product nagged me, disabled itself, and presented me with popping up dialog boxes when I logged on, and whenever I opened an email. If that’s not nagware, I don’t know what is.

I do admire all of your loyalty, though, it’s unusual to see such fierce disciples never allowing a product to be criticized, never accepting criticism, and always immediately rushing to its defense. It’s almost over the top, makes a person wonder if some of you might not be Avast employees, maybe?

And as an example to you nice folks, I’ll even admit when I make a mistake (or where something I like has problems)…

In my case, I have to correct my previous posting… It was 3 months, not 2 -February 12, 2005 (Alwil folder created in my program file) throuhg May 12 (Nagging started) when the product disabled itself and started nagging me.

And I referenced Sygate… that has a popup window every time I turn on the computer… Annoying, but it is only once per login, and it hasn’t disabled itself.

Then i suggest you check your system time and date. It’s 14 months,no more and no less. They run statistics with registrations to estimate update server power so they can always supply us with max download speed possible,nothing else.

My friend, my english is not very good. But still BEFORE I INSTALLED IT I read that I can use it for 2 months & if I liked it, I should register it for free and from there on once every 14 months. You may even use false names and adresses if you like! If I didn’t agree with that, I shouldn’t have installed it, AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU!

I won’t disturb you nice folks any more. I quoted RejZoR because Avast did all the things he mentioned.

FYI, CA is offering a free 1 year trial of EzArmor.

CA’s not perfect either, of course… nobody is… (Well, except for Avast, according to you all… :slight_smile:

Man we’re touchy… Thats their policy. Take it or leave it. It’s that simple.
I really don’t see the problem. You can enter anything you want into registration form,except email which needs to be your real one (so they can send you official registration key). No spam is ever sent to your mailbox after registration coughPandacough). So take 10 seconds of your life and register to obtain 14 month key. It’s worth it, trust me.

Oh,as far as i can tell CA offer ended some time ago. Unless they made another one…

As I mentioned, nobody’s perfect. CA’s free offers come and go (it is currently active, by the way), and they have their share of critics too.

gee two months… maybe you downloaded the pro trial and not the home edition…

I could be wrong but I think the download is the same, I mean, if you add the Home registration key the Trial version ‘become’ the Home version.