[b]I registered Free Avast on my husbands computer and I never reciecved the registration key where do I go to retrieve the key
Ren [/b]
[b]I registered Free Avast on my husbands computer and I never reciecved the registration key where do I go to retrieve the key
Ren [/b]
As for resend the license. You should also check your spam folder.
[b]I did there is nothing in my spam folder
What’s wrong with simply register your free Avast from it’s GUI?
I was about to ask this…
Stands for Graphical User Interface. In other words Avast Interface.
[b]Thoought that is what it was sorry I just came off a 12 hr shift… when I installed it they asked to register it and I did and they there would be a reg key and there is still none how do I get to the GUI
Interface (open avast) > Maintenance folder > Registration
[b]I did that and there is a 30 day reg already but it states that it is not registered here is what I got I went to regester it and that is what I got
Click the “Register Now” button and Fill in your info.
[bI did that and what I got was that they need the proper information I dod that several times
[b]I got this when I clicked on the register now button
[b]another one
And are you sure you’re filling all the fields correctly?
[b]I had to re start the comp and re do it and it worked … need to remember need more sleep
[b]I had to re start the comp and re do it and it worked … need to remember need more sleep
Me too… I’ll do it NOW
renfest post:16:[b]I had to re start the comp and re do it and it worked … need to remember need more sleep
Me too… I’ll do it NOW
[b]Working 14 days straight this is my weekend off starting tomorrow