does anyone no of any good free registry cleaner software.
Hi J J,
I used a few before I found Reg Seeker a couple of years ago, it seems to clean more than most and I have not found any conflicts or problems running in Windows XP.
RegSeeker is what I’m using (possibly as long as Thorny), but it isn’t very user friendly interface and there is no help file. It does reveal lots that others don’t, but I would in the hands of someone not familiar with the registry it could seriously ruin your day. Even some of the green supposedly safe to delete could cause issues.
JV16 is another that I use (last free version) and perhaps a little friendlier, there is also Easy Cleaner that has a lot of different tools including a registry cleaner.
You can find many free versions of these registry cleaners here:
As the others have mentioned above, there are many to choose from but my favorite is “TweakNow RegCleaner Standard” which is free, user friendly, and let’s you know which registry are safe to remove and which one’s are not safe to remove. Plus, it can make a back-up of your registry before you do anything.
I used to use ccleaner cause it was awesome…
On Win XP it worked well, now it is giving me an error message.
I downloaded the one suggested CharleyO above cause its features seem great compared to others I tried.
Thanks for everyones input. I’ve decided to use TweakNow RegCleaner Standard. Because of what DavidR said about how it can cause problems if not familiar with the registry(good advice). This one seems to be the safest and easiest to use, but also gets results.
I would caution you on using registry cleaners. Please take a look at my posts on this recent thread: