REGISTRY Defragmentation.

I have use a few Registry tools,and they have a option
for defragmentation the Registry.
I have this done whit a old Windows Tool but after the job
did my computer not startup. I try a few times and yes i have luck.
The startup time where about 10% quiklier. but wat is the reasen
that Windows the Registry not defragmenting like the normall
deframentation of the Window programms.
And if i use new tools like JV16 or Registry Mechanic, is there a change
that something going wrong.
So that"s my question.

Not something to be undertaken lightly as this could screw your system.

I have used 1.8 ( for some time now with no issues, however, I use Drive Image every week to take a copy of my primary hard disk partitions, so should the worst happen and my system not boot I just restore the last image, done in under 15 minutes start to finish.

I also have PageDefrag 2.32 from ( primarily for defraging my pagefiles, this also does the registry hives.

Yes when you tinker with the registry things can go wrong, so having a system recovery and back-up plan is essential.

Before you start screwing with the registry, you might want to read this, paying particular attention to paragraph two:

As David said, you can get yourself into a world of hurt if you’re not careful. The best advice I can give you, is to leave the registry alone, and let Windows manage it.

Here are some additional thoughts on the subject by several Microsoft MVPs:

Edit: Uh, this might be a good time to use that “Link Breaker” I posted in another thread. ;D

He He, just used it.

ERUNT and its others Registry tools 8)

NTREGOPT is a Registry Optimizer for Windows NT/2000/2003/XP :slight_smile:

Cactus, I’ve used JVC16, and it can lead your pc to crash. It lead mine to crash, Anyway. Or, looked at another way, I caused it to crash.
The utilities above posted by Tech are problem free, and work, as far as I know (AFAIK).
CCleaner has a gentle and safe reg. cleaner, makes it’s own backups.
I’m now very reluctant (don’t want to) use any others.

I look to the reactings,and i read the links.
And Cactus think Be Carefull. One men say,The best Registry Tool,
is NO Tool. (Ken Blake)
And then Ccleaner seems olso dangeress. One men try it out on a
brandnew computer and Ccleaner removed hunderds of things,
and this is ofcourse rubbish.
You must know that i use Ccleaner every Day (PC running 16 hours)
And if i use FireFox you not believe your eyes,so much swept Ccleaner
away.I let Ccleaner not running into the left block from Cache,and cookys.
There for have i other programms.
And i visit 1x per month the registry cleaner (online) From Microsoft.
OneCare,and this tool runs olso on virus+spyware.
Well I have enough stuff to think about it,and i am glad that i have so many
respons in this case. Thank you gentlemens!!!

You’re welcome. This is how you learn.

A long time ago, I fell for the marketing hype from one of the “top” registry cleaners. I downloaded it, and tried it. It screwed up something on the machine, but fortunately, it had set a restore point, where I could reverse all the changes that it made.

That’s when I went on a mission to find out about the registry, and whether it was a good idea to manage the registry or not. There are different opinions of course, but I do not use a registry cleaner. Based on what I’ve been able to learn, XP manages the registry itself, and orphans, etc., do no harm.

I see that you’re asking a lot of questions on the forum, and I also see that you are getting a lot of quality responses from the members. In addition to posting questions, search for answers on the web to find additional information, such as the links I posted. They’re there, all you have to do is look for them.

Good luck.


O.K.Orange Crate, you have a point,and i have to tell you that i always looking
in de Button searh.
But there is a But. In this case about Regitry Tools is it importend that i have the last
information what available is. And you know that plenty Tools after now and Febr
2007 not good working,becourse Windows Download IE-7 Automaticly and the
coming of Vista.
SO if i post a new Topic,then i look i first by Searh,but is it old news then do i
open i a new Topic.
A other topic is Comodo. Everyday is there news. Ask Michelle.
So i have no bad feelings about your topics, but if i read that it not exact the
reallity of today is,Yes sorry about this. Internet,Windows,Brouwsers, are changing
by the day,and olso the tools.
I hope that you understand my story,and i have no the intention to deneing you.
Greethings CactusJ…