registry entry

I’m using the latest version of avast free and use ccleaner to keep the registry clean. ccleaner has been flagging this entry:

Invalid file reference ImagePath - “c:\program files\avast software\avast\ng\vbox\avastvboxsvc.exe” HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\AvastVBoxSvc and while I can delete it, it keeps coming back.

I cannot delete it in regedit and the directory/file does not exist on the system.
I tried a repair but no go.

How can I get rid of this registry entry for good?

Win 7 64 bit

edit: forgot to add that I only use the file shield.

It is part of the avast VM protection environment.
Not sure, but if you remove that part it may that the key will be gone.

Ok how do I do that?

I’ve searched my system and there is no vm or sandbox enabled or used. ccleaner states the file is left behind after uninstalling software and I thinks that’s true. I didn’t notice this until the latest update.

It’s a permission issue now as I can’t even change permissions (or I don’t know how) to delete this.
Could I do it in safe mode? Or probably an uninstall and clean install?

Any thoughts?

Disable the NG component and see what happens.

It’s not listed anywhere so I can’t.

Hi meilingwall,

I had a similar issue on my laptop and this is what solved it for me:

Open Avast interface and go to settings,
Go to Troubleshooting Tab and uncheck the Enable Avast self defense module,
Now start CCleaner, scan for issues and remove the registry entry,
Go back to Avast and turn the self defense module on again.

Next time you start your PC check with CCleaner and the registry entry should be gone for good.

Let me know if this helped you.

Wow! You the man! Worked great, many thanks.

You are welcome ;D

I’m glad I could help!

Just be sure to re-enable avast self-defence when done, and then reboot.

See this for a little history on registry cleaning:

If nothing else, it makes for an interesting read. CCleaner is the least potentially destructive registry cleaner, but use it with care and always back up your registry before making any changes.

Yes, good advice and a good read.

I use ccleaner because it IS so conservative compared to others. I’ve never had an issue with it.

Thanks for the input.