Registry Help PLEASE

hello to everyone!

I found a nifty little tool that will help me clean up my computer :slight_smile:
right now I have a screen about my registry and it has lots of duplicate entries.
What should I be careful of/look for before I delete any??

and, again, I need to set up another email account due to the volume of crap that is coming through my hated OE. yahoo has an email, but it comes with an email scanner.
I just want the addy, no scanner as Avast! Rules ā€¦will this cause a conflict?
thanks for any advice,

Well, Iā€™m tempted to say that when you need to ask what to be careful about, you shouldnā€™t do it at all ;D

What are these duplicate entries - could you give some examples?

:wink: us southern gals have no shame!

rootā€¦registry keyā€¦string valueā€¦file/path reference

HKEY local machine software\microsoft\IMAPI\stashinfo
stash oath c:\windowstemp\stashIMAPI.bin

HKEY current user software\microsoft\internet explorer\main local page c:\windows\system32\blank.htm

have a total of invalid entries

Cojo, those are very wise words from Igor :slight_smile: Playing with the registry can be dangerous. Whatever ā€˜utilityā€™ you have found, make sure to backup the registry before attempting ANY changes. [edit] and make sure you know how to restore those backups :wink: [/e]

I do not know the situatation with your ISPā€™s, but here in Europe most ISPā€™s allow you to have more than one e-mail account on each service that you subscribe to. Therefore you might be able to just set up another account without going to Yahoo. Actually, Yahoo does filter a lot of the e-mail running through their servers, this is largely due to the fact that a lot of Spam originates directly from Yahoo accounts.

Good luck,

good point, W.
thanks, cojo

oh, and that should have said 8 invalid enteries :-[

8 invalid entries isnā€™t so bad :wink: (depending on what they are)

As there are not many, it might be a good idea if you could cut and paste all of them, so that the guruā€™s can tell you what is safe to remove. :wink:

other entries:

hkey users s-1-5-21-2942212984006212340-553533399-1006\software\microsoft\internet explorer local page c:\windows\system32\blank.htm

hkey local machine siftware\microsoft\windows\current version\run advanced tools check

hkey current user software\microsoft\windows\current version\run modem on hold c"\program~1\dellmo~1\moh.exe

hkey users s-1-5-21-294221298-4006212340-1006\software\microsoft\windows\current modem on hold

hkey local machine software\lexmark\markvision\lexbce\debug options print log file c"\lexbce32_print.log

hkey local machine software\lexmark\markvision\lexbce/debug options log file c"\lexbce32.log

darn thing would not let me cut,copy, pastā€¦nothing! sorry it is just typedā€¦
all have todayā€™s date with different timesā€¦but I did nothing to my computer.
going to get a whale of an ale :wink:


Most of the entries there are totally harmless (in my limited knowledge). Iā€™m CERTAIN Technical will have something to say about one of them :wink: and I would prefer that he and the ā€˜cleverā€™ guys confirm. 8)

Good luck. ā€¦W.

Technical ??? :slight_smile:

thankyou, my friend!


Iā€™m here ;D
Cojo, you can trust in the entries found by:

Norton WinDoctor (Iā€™m doing a fair play with Symantec! 8))
jv16PowerTools (now a Shareware)
BeClean (Registry section)
RegClean (from Microsoft)
SpyBot (Registry section)

Using these tools, I have never got a headacheā€¦ All of them make an automatic backup of the deleted Registry keysā€¦
I take a look at your posted keys and, as Walker said, they seem to be harmless. But, how do you receive the information of the Registry keys, I mean, you said you have ā€˜found a nifty little tool that will help me clean up my computerā€™, what is this tool? :wink:

EasyCleaner documentation by ToniArts

it backs up everything I would delete
also it found a whole bunch of duplicate filesā€¦with warnings to check what you deletedā€¦
I havenā€™t done anything yet, Technicalā€¦Iā€™m reading itā€¦and was very surprised at how much junk it found on my computer.

Iā€™m still trying to figure out how to get my wicked picture on my profileā€¦did the prohost thing but have to study how to use it :-[


Gee Whizā€¦Your all over this forum like a bug. hahaha



Your computer more than likely does not need extraordinary ā€œcleaningā€.

If you are not haviing problems, leave the entries alone. Some keys are shared and if you tamper with them, you may create problems with a program that WAS working fine.

Until you gain more experience isolating and identifying keys and why they are put into the registry, better leave well enough alone.

The Registry is the heart of the computer that brings it ā€œall togetherā€
Mess with it, and you will regret it. You could end of doing a full reformat which is not fun at all.

Like all else, if you have a Registry problem or think you have one, come to us for help and we will guide you.

By the wayā€¦I never heard of the program you are using.

Just a kind bit of advice. I know you are eager to learn and there are more freeware programs out there than you can imagine, but only use those you need, and understand what you need before using themā€¦if you get my drift!

The all wise and willingā€¦
ā€¦has spoken. ;D

Cojo, listen to techieā€¦ Be careful!

I was just saying that ā€˜automaticā€™ cleaning from some applications could be safe.
Techie is right, be calm and easy with this thread: if you did something very wrong on the Registry, nothing will work anymore :cry:


It was a while back that I saw this, but EasyCleaner 1.7 from ToniArts had a bug in it that broke the Help and Support Center, requiring that you download a fix from their site. I canā€™t say whether this problem still exists or not, but like techie, Technical, and Walker warned, be careful.

To be fair to ToniArts their cleaner is, or was at the time, recommended by the Wilders Security web site.


ok, I followed the experts advice and just used my spybot! see?? women do listen to the men ;D

and I wish I had soonerā€¦I could only uninstall part of the toni thingā€¦still have.82mb leftā€¦when I go to add/delete I get a message to close all running apps, empty temp folders, and run set up again.
same message over and over again! I did a search and thought I deleted/shredded all of it. I did email them for support in getting rid of the darn thingā€¦
who is going to have a GIANT mint julep right now

for me it would be A GIANT MILKSHAKE

why, mint juleps are made of the finest milk that cows give :wink:


milkshakes are sooo thick mmmmm

how thick are they??
as thick as my headā€¦meaning, who else wants to protect her computer so badly that she tries all sorts of dangerous things?
only in Bubbavilleā€¦


Donā€™t be puttinā€™ down Bubbaville. They gave the world ā€˜Daisy Duke,ā€™ arguably the finest product to ever come from from the South.
