I have latest version of Avast 7.0.1426 and can’t add an email name to whitelist that is marked Spam. Avast tech support after several emails says I have permissions issues. I am the administrator what more permissions do I need? When I add a new entry and exit the entry is gone when I come back in. Can/ should I uninstall and reinstall Avast to make this go away? Do I use my old key? Any help would be great as tech support was of no value.
Are you using avast Internet security (AIS) ?
As that is the only version with an anti-spam module in which you could add an email address (see image extract of help file).
If you have AIS, then what happens when you try to add an marked email to the whitelist ?
Sorry I can’t be too much practical help as I don’t use the AIS version with anti-spam.
Do you click on the “Add” Button when you insert a new entry? Or you just click on the “OK” Button?
Thank you for the reply. I will try to be clearer. I am using AIS version 7.0.1426 so I’m up to date. I go to settings -->troubleshooting–>and disable Avast self defense mode. Now I’m ready to enter a new email address in the whitelist. From Anti spam tab I select Expert settings–>whitelist–>and type in the address I want click OK. That brings me back to Antispam tab page. If I then select expert settings again the entry I just entered is not there.
I was told to look for approvedsenders file.dat. I don’t have one I don’t know what the path to that file is or what an entry in it would looks like.
Avast tech support told me
“you can find the file in this folder which is usually hidden.
Sending you two empty file which you can fill in with email addresses.
But the root of the problem is some mismatch in user privileges which you should consult with your system administrator. Avast is unable to access the whitelist/blacklist file itself. Probably does�n run under proper configuration in operating system. It is not avast - related issue.”
The files they sent me do not open only a Nero screen which never displays anything. Since I am the Administrator I don’t know what higher level of permissions I need. I’m also don’t know where this file would go if I had one as I don’t know under what directory it should be. Saying this is not an Avast issue is not helpful.
I hope someone has an idea as I bought 3 copies have a valid license and this feature doesn’t work for me. Thanks
To DJBone Yes I do
Thanks for feedback.
I’ve just tried to add a entry in the whitelist and it works fine for me and i have a file called “approvedsenders” in C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\Spamconf (Win7).
Maybe you could try a repair of avast:
XP - Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and choose Repair, click next and follow.
Vista, win7 - Control Panel, Programs & Features, uninstall a program, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button and choose Repair, click next and follow.
Reboot after the repair.
I tried a repair. My path is C:\program files–>alwil Software–>Avast 5–> then more directories and files but nothing further no approved senders
Which OS do you have? The path above (C:[b]ProgramData[/b]\AVAST Software\Avast\Spamconf) is under Win7. Avast could be replaced by Alwil Software in your system because you have updated over older avast versions.
I have in Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit Ver 6.1 with service pack 1
Given that you are having a problem and you have updated from an earlier avast version and a repair hasn’t worked; I would suggest that you do a clean install of AIS. Before doing that I would suggest backing up your settings, avastUI, Settings, Maintenance, Settings Backup, that will save a lot of your settings and save you having to manyally reset all of your customisations when you reinstall.
Download the latest AIS version of avast, 7.0.1426 http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/avast_internet_security_setup.exe and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again (if you didn’t save your last download). Use that when you reinstall.
Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, aswClear.exe find it here and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for 5.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x).
- Now uninstall avast! (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility from safe mode, first for 6.x if previously installed and then for 7.0, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.
Will my registration key still work when I re-install tomorrow? I will not buy another copy. Thanks for all the help.
Yes, just reinstall the license from your email as you did the first time.
Yes the license file, license.avastlic can be use again there is no limit to the number of reinstalls that you may do.
So long as you don’t exceed the maximum number of systems it is installed on doesn’t exceed the number of systems the license covers.
I followed the directions and re installed Avast. What came in was Avast Pro and not AIS. I paid for AIS and have a license for AIS. How do I get AIS now. The download says AIS but when it runs it’s Avast Pro
Download avast! Internet Security: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/avast_internet_security_setup.exe
Thanks I will try anything at this point. I looked at Programs in the control panel and it says I have AIS but when the program opens it says Avast Pro. I’m feeling paranoid. Has anyone else experienced this. With this version I can’t get to SpaM Tab to add to whitelist. Should I uninstall Avast again before I try the new download?
- Download avast! Internet Security: http://files.avast.com/iavs5x/avast_internet_security_setup.exe
- Follow instructions: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed avast! versions…!!)
- Reinstall avast! with the downloaded installer from point 1.
- Reboot.
This product is out to get me, it is buggy. I reinstalled per your suggestions and got AIS. Windows programs said I have AIS. While it is in Trial mode it says AIS and works like AIS. As soon as I activated my license it becomes Avast Pro put the Avast Pro Icon on my screen, though Windows still says AIS. How can I use my Avast IS license and remain AIS instead of Avast Pro.
For this specific issue, maybe you could contact sales (at) avast (dot) com and check if your license is a valid one for AIS.