reinstall windows me without disk

While trying to reinstall windows me with my cd, the progress stopped before the drivers were installed and now My drivers dont work...I am in safe mode and need to try to reinstall windows without the cd. Can someone please tell me what to type in Start Run ? I know I have read that you can reinstall windows without the cd but I dont remember what to type in. I read this info on this forum but can`t find it now.
I appreciate your help. Thanks so much. I am desperate!

why don’t you try it again with the CD ?
can you run scandisk/chkdsk or another diagnostic tool to check if the CD is damaged ?

did you format C: before reinstalling ?

Imho it largely depends on what kind of ME-CD you have:

  • full version
  • OEM/recovery/image etc…

I didn’t format before reinstalling. I had a virus and it messed up my Notepad file and I wanted to fix some files in Windows that were messed up. I did what you said but everything checked out ok. I just need to know how to get the Windows set up going again. Thanks.

Just boot with the CD in the drive and Boot order set thus that the PC boots from CD first


I am so sorry but I don’t understand. none of my drives work so I can’t use the cd. I need to start it another way and don’t know how. It only starts in SafeMode. I am soo sorry for being so uneducated about computers. :-\

did you start the WIN-Setup from within Windows then (at the first time) ?

how old is your PC ? not older than 10 years, I guess ?
younger PCs should normally be able to boot from a CD, even if Windows is botched up…
The usual Win-ME-CD should be bootable !!

put the Win-ME CD in the drive (there are buttons on the drive for opening it manually), reboot, and immediately press [DEL] or whatever key needs to be pressed for entering BIOS/SETUP

the go to (the second) Menu, and change the boot order so that the PC boots from CD FIRST.
Then you shouldn’t even see WINDOWS’s SafeMode

Also read your PC/Motherboard manual on how to enter the BIOS/SETUP or to boot from CD

otherwise, look for Cab-files or files called setup.exe or similar on your PC, and try and restart Win-Setup again (but the booting from CD is best)

I believe you can reinstall from C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\INSTALL\SETUP but Im not sure
you must know your windows key before trying this!!
you will find it in the registry
The value is ProductKey
Am I correct you can only get into safe-mode?Did you try system restore? try fixing Reg before reinstall
Start your computer, press and hold CTRL, and then choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only from the Windows 98 Startup menu. If you are running Windows Me, start your computer with the startup disk.
At the MS-DOS prompt, type cd\windows\command, and then press ENTER. Where windows is the name of the folder in which Windows is installed.
At the C: prompt, type scanreg /restore, and then press ENTER.
Select the previous registry you want to restore, and then press ENTER.NOTE: A properly working registry has the word “Started” next to the date.

When you receive notification that you restored a properly working registry, press ENTER to restart your computer.

hope you get it fixed!!! -max