Change log of Avast Business for Linux 3.0.3
- ‘avast’ Debian 10 buster 64bit package is now available via “deb debian-buster release”
- fixed issue with version not being printed correctly by /usr/bin/avast when redirected to file
Change log of Avast Business for Linux 3.0.2 (only ‘avast’ .rpm and Debian 9 32bit .deb packages have been released):
- ‘avast’ Debian 9 32bit package is now available via “deb debian-stretch release”
- ‘avast’ .rpm package has now config files correctly tagged as such; thus /etc/avast/avast.conf and /etc/avast/vps.conf should no longer be replaced by defaults upon install/upgrade as it has happened with avast 3.0.0 version. Please note that the original config files can be found in the same directory with “.rpmsave” suffix if this has happened to you. We deeply apologise for the issue caused by typo when switching to a new build system.