Bonjour, c’est tout simple, j’ai désinstallé le jour même de mon renouvellement, voici 3 jours. Maintenant que je demande le remboursement, quand je coche la case remboursement elle devient bleue, rien ne se produit. Que faire ? Merci pour vos réponses.
Personne pour m’aider ou juste me donner un lien quelque part où trouver ?
Which avast product?
This thread may help you, but is in English: Refund assistance
Otherwise you may get a better response from the French section here: Francais - Avast Community
Hi, its’ Avast ultimate. Bought from a publicity received by email. Seems it’s not eligible for a refund, the reason of not clickable links when I try to execute the procedure…
I’m wondering if that email was genuine from avast or a scam. Did you first check the senders email address?
I was asked to open an Avast account and it works, with the details of what I bought with full access to various items described in the forums.
THX for feedback
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