Seeing and doing horrors as a Marine in Nam now i have another modern day horror i have to deal with and try and forget ???
God bless the fallen ones and their families
In moments like these, it makes us realize how grateful we are to have each day to live. It reminds us to enjoy our lives with the family and friends we have made and to never take it for granted. You never know what can happen a minute from now, an hour, a day, or in the next couple weeks.
Pass on this symbol, post it where you can and remember our fallen hokies who lost their lives tragically!
Together we will unite in a way that only Hokies can do- through that strength we will mourn this day- look for
a brighter tomorrow and inspire the country in our bond!
tednelly…thanks-but this thread has to do with the virginia tech incident that happened this week :
thanks for the kind words about my fellow brothers in arms and others anyways
There are a few remarks we can make here. The perpetrator was a well trained marksman, there were links between this institute and DARPA, the man was under the influence of mind control (years of prescribed drugs, and without it during the weekend, why always these things happen on a Monday?, altered by playing violent online games?), would not surprise me as this will be used as a form of attack on the Second Amendment. But striking is that all these violent eruptions are not led back to psychotropic drugs and what it does to people in the long run turning them into dangerous zombies, these connections are almost always hushed up.
this thread i started was about the troubled ordeal at virginia tech not my troubled ordeal in nam :‘(
conversation in the past or whatever-what is that supposed to do to me-i know what i did and that’s all that matters-i did my part proudly
you have no right to question my service and should keep your opinions and etc. to yourself :’(
does it really matter orangecrate :
have a heart…this is not computers and such we are talking about-this is human life and their problems
no more will i say on this matter-i am a human and i have a heart
god bless everyone in these troubled times this world is going through
It seems that some are so off-topic even in this general thread that it seems they do not know what the subject is really about. Why post here then? I think this has to do with the fact that being modest or open-minded these days, is explained away as a form of personal weakness. And in order not to show one’s insecurity it is considered the best policy to look for weakness in others to feel any better themselves.
This attitude is very strong for instance in my and your country, and it came in during the last ten years: ego-centrism prevails over subtlety and opening up to listening to what the needs of others are.
Just an example where all this can lead to:
To dreadful things in this world . This is why Rebellian child-soldiers in Uganda for instance have to bite their actual brothers and sisters to death, how can you think this up really as a normal human being, as a form of initiation, so they can be used without worrying that they will go home and do the evil master’s bidding. The evil master thinks in his arrogance he is living according to the rules of the Bible. Nobody seems to care a hoot, and nobody seems to lend an ear. That is why we live in such a world full of monsters and things too sinister to contemplate.
scary world we live in my friend-even though what i have done and been through-i try to see the good in everything and try to do my best in everything that is right-even though it is hard sometimes-keep love and faith in your heart and the world will seem better even though it is going through bad times right now
My heartfelt condolances go out to the family and friends of the Virginia Tech shooting victims, and to the family of the man who commited these acts. Its easy to forget that those who commit this type of violece leave behind a legacy of sadness for their own as well.
A couple questions/comments:
What is DARPA?
I have also heard that antidepressants were involved, as is often the case in these types of tragedies.
In World War II the US Army adopted the use of silhouette targets, instead of bulls eye targets, for rifle training. The reason was to get the soldiers past the natural human hesitation of killing another human being.
People don’t want to admit it but for some individuals video games can have the same effect.
The attacks have already begun. Calls for confiscation of guns (which, in England and Australia, has had the opposite of the intended efect), calls for 1 gun purchase per month laws (which Virginia already has), etc. But the fact is evil, violence, and mental illness exist independent of man’s laws. We already have laws against murder - if everyone would simply abide by that we wouldn’t need to worry about inanimate objects whether they be guns, knives, blunt objects or something else.
The incident is terrible. It’s a pity, deeply sad, sorry. My condolences to the victims’ parents and relatives.
I want to bring up a reflexion. Like old Pope John II asked, which kind of society are we living? A society that could in one century makes two world wars, create the power to autodestruction, fight and kill, do not protect the weak, the children, the poor, etc., couldn’t we help with a little drop in the ocean and try to make the world better: maybe if we help to make better the people around us, we can contribute to the rest of the world. Talking seriously: I think the society has to find some answers and we must feel ourselves something ‘guilty’ to these things. Otherwise, life goes on, nobody changes nothing, thinks nothing… nothing is related to us, nothing has nothing to teach us. I’m not scared to think that I, myself, need to do something to avoid this sad things to happen. The guilty is not only the mad man.
It’s my 0.02. Hope it does not bring fire to this thread and the avast forums.
Polonus and mauserme, yes it is true that antidepressants were involved. Please remember that this man was a troubled soul. He was diagnosed with his problem before he went on doctor prescribed medication. Drugs cannot cure every problem, and I doubt it made this young man’s problems worse. Many people with mental illness refuse to stay on their medication, and our society has not shown much empathy towards solving their problems.
The three most important women in my life (mother, significant other, and best friend) are taking antidepressants and are much better for it. Sadly, I also have a younger brother living on the street in Georgia because he refuses to take medication for his problems. We have not heard from him in over a year now and are quite concerned about him.
I also am deeply saddened by the deaths at VT. My thoughts and heart-felt sorrow go out to all involved, including the family of the man that caused this catastrophe.
Our society once again has a lot of collective thinking to do.
If you have some time, here is a excellent blog by a family that is dealing with mental illness on an ongoing basis that is well worth bookmarking:
My heart goes out to those who have suffered through this ordeal.
I would also like to say that antidepressants and antipsychotics should not be demonized in my opinion. I have 3 friends who have to take anti depressants and antipsychotics like Haldol, Geodon, Zyprexa and Zoloft. They could NOT function without them. They will literally become violent/aggressive/paranoid WITHOUT them. Then they will just cease to function. WITH the meds they got their degrees in college, play in their bands and have somewhat normal relationships. Is psychiatry perfect? No way! Many things need to be rethought, but for many people that is all they have to function. Just remember that.
What I’ve seen, in my non-medical/unqualified to diagnose anything capacity, is that sometimes the drugs seem to remove inhibitions that people normally posses.
I have a friend who went bankrupt after going on antidepressants - he seemed to believe he couldn’t fail at anything, even in some terrible business decisions that everyone around him recognized could not work. He was always an over confident person before the drugs, but to the point of ruin after going on the medication.
I think in some people if there is a strong tendency toward a particular attribute, be it self-confidence or violence, antidepressants can remove the control of that tendency. And I have heard that they may have contributed to other, similar acts.
Just my opinion, though …
2Tech - In a small way isn’t that part of why we’re on this forum? Making things better in whatever way we can. But it does need to be broader than just this.