REMnux for analyzing malware on Linux

Hi malware fighters,

You can download it here:

Tools included on REMnux:
Analyzing Flash malware: swftools, flasm, flare
Analyzing IRC bots: IRC server (Inspire IRCd) and client (Irssi). To launch the IRC server, type “ircd start”; to shut it down “ircd stop”. To launch the IRC client, type “irc”.
Network-monitoring and interactions: Wireshark, Honeyd, INetSim, fakedns and fakesmtp scripts, NetCat
JavaScript de-obfuscation: Firefox with Firebug, NoScript and JavaScript Deobfuscator extensions, Rhino debugger, two versions of patched SpiderMonkey, Windows Script Decoder, Jsunpack-n
Interacting with web malware in the lab: TinyHTTPd, Paros proxy
Analyzing shellcode: gdb, objdump, Radare (hex editor+disassembler), shellcode2exe
Dealing with protected executables: upx, packerid, bytehist, xorsearch, TRiD
Malicious PDF analysis: Dider’s PDF tools, Origami framework, Jsunpack-n, pdftk
Memory forensics: Volatility Framework and malware-related plugins
Miscellaneous: unzip, strings, ssdeep, feh image viewer, SciTE text editor, OpenSSH server

REMnux is a virtual server we liked it very much. It is easy to use if you can play with Linux,
